Nanophotonics INL project awarded with FCT support

November 24, 2020

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The DIAMOND-CONNECT project led by Jana Nieder, leader of INL Ultrafast Bio- and Nanophotonics research group, builds on the advances in quantum metrology based on diamond photonics for magnetic field sensing. 

Jana B. Nieder

Ultrafast Bio- and Nanophotonics Group Leader

The project, that just got support from FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) aims to advance the understanding of neuronal signalling and connectivity by the development and application of a novel and optimized diamond photonics platform. The planned experiments aim at an increased understanding of core processes in the functioning of the brain.

A femtosecond laser shall be used to create optically active atom scale sensors at specific locations in a diamond crystal. The implantation depths and sensor pattern shall be optimized for the sensing of magnetic signals caused by stimulated neural networks.

In partnership with neuroscientists from IBIMED – Institute for Biomedicine at the University of Aveiro, the diamond technology shall be benchmarked with state-of-the-art assays in neurosciences.

Besides the scientific advances in the area of neurosensing, DIAMOND-CONNECT fosters the establishment of a quantum photonics pilot line in Portugal based on femtosecond laser writing combined with nanoscale material processing of diamond.

This project is synergistic with current international, national, and institutional efforts to foster Quantum technologies and support their fast market uptake, counting on the continuous support by the INL’s Industrial and Business Advisory Board.

This FCT project is one of the only four awarded in the field of nanotechnology in Portugal. This year’s call was a highly competitive process with only about a 5% success rate.