INL Strategy

The INL Values

  • Excellence
  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility
  • Openness and Trust
  • Worldwide Mindset

The Research and Technology activities focuses on Three Grand Areas: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Personalised Health & Food, and Energy & Environment. These complement each other and provide a base for interdisciplinary interactions among INL researchers. The full-fledged nanotechnology laboratory enables leading research of the highest international standard.

INL Quality Management System

The INL Strategy is implemented by having a commitment towards operational excellence and continuous improvement in order to deliver results of exceptional value, strengthening INL’s sustainability through the valorisation of its critical knowledge.

The permanent search for high-quality standards and collaborators’ satisfaction is within our DNA. We recognise that quality is a concern of each and every one of our staff members, who are deeply involved in the deployment of our quality culture.