Secretary of State for Science Visits INL, Showcasing Key Projects and Innovations

Secretary of State for Science Visits INL, Showcasing Key Projects and Innovations

Prof. Dr Ana Paiva, Secretary of State for Science, visited INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory today. This visit provided an exceptional platform for INL to present its ongoing projects and significant achievements in the field of science and technology. The presence of Prof. Dr. Paiva underscored the crucial role of INL’s work and its far-reaching impact on the broader scientific community. Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres, INL Director-General, welcomed Prof. Dr Paiva and provided an insightful overview of INL’s mission and accomplishments. This introduction set the stage for a series of detailed presentations and discussions that highlighted INL’s prominence in both the national and European research landscapes. Presentation Highlights: Secretary of State’s visit to INL was a testament to the laboratory’s dedication to innovation, excellence, and its significant contributions to the field of science and technology. This visit not only highlighted INL’s achievements but also reinforced the importance of continued support and investment in scientific research and development. Text and Photography by Gina Palha

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Breakthrough technology for cancer diagnostics

Breakthrough technology for cancer diagnostics

INL researchers are part of the consortium behind BIOCELLPHE, a pioneering project focused on advancing cancer diagnostics and personalised medicine. This innovative European-funded project is at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, introducing a groundbreaking technology for identifying proteins as diagnostic biomarkers at the single-cell level. This new approach offers multiplexing capabilities, portability and enhanced sensitivity. Alexandra Teixeira, research fellow at the Medical Devices group, highlights that “BIOCELLPHE is pioneering the use of engineered bacteria to recognise and bind with high specificity to protein targets on the surface of circulating tumour cells, or CTCs, which are key players in cancer metastasis.” This specific binding of engineered bacteria to CTCs subsequently triggers the production of molecules (Raman reporters), which can be detectable with high sensitivity using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). More specifically, SERS uses plasmonic nanoparticles to enhance Raman signals, allowing ultrasensitive analysis and detection at the single molecule level. The pathological role of CTCs in cancer metastasis is not completely understood due to the lack of effective analytical tools and remains an area that needs further exploration. BIOCELLPHE addresses this gap by developing new tools for the phenotypic identification of CTCs at the single-cell level, with high-throughput and multiplexing […]

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INL’s Official Mourning Day in honour of Manuel Cargaleiro

INL’s Official Mourning Day in honour of Manuel Cargaleiro

The Portuguese Government declared today, July 2nd, a National Day of Mourning in honour of Manuel Cargaleiro. The mourning coincides with the funeral of Master Manuel Cargaleiro. Cargaleiro was a multifaceted artist renowned for his painting and ceramist work. He mastered colour and geometry remarkably, giving contemporary Portuguese art its unmistakable character. Throughout his career, his creations expressed his poetic vision of the world, building a legacy recognized by several generations of Portuguese people. His work, represented in national collections such as the State Contemporary Art Collection, as well as in international ones, was highly honoured. His accolades include Commander of the Order of Santiago da Espada de Portugal (1983), Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French government (1984), Grand Cross of the Order of Merit (1989), Grand Cross of the Order of Infante D. Henrique (2017), Medal of Cultural Merit (2019), Grand Vermeil Medal (2019), and the Grand Cross of the Order of Camões (2023). Cargaleiro maintained an intense artistic activity throughout his life, creating an essential legacy for 20th-century Portuguese art. His unique style bridged various references and generations. Despite being a global figure, he remained deeply connected to his roots, choosing Castelo Branco […]

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A miniaturised model of human digestion to advance therapies and nutritional products

A miniaturised model of human digestion to advance therapies and nutritional products

INL researchers have made a significant breakthrough in the development of reliable in-vitro digestion models. This ‘digestion-chip’ promises to revolutionise the way new oral formulations are tested, offering a more accurate, efficient, and cost-effective alternative to current models. Traditional in-vitro digestion models often fail to replicate the complex dynamics of the human gastrointestinal tract. They either lack critical digestive processes or require large volumes of samples and reagents, which can be challenging when dealing with nanomaterials. The INL’s innovative ‘digestion-chip’ addresses these limitations with its miniaturised design and advanced features. The coordinator of the study Catarina Gonçalves explains, “the Food Processing and Nutrition research group proposes a miniaturised digestion system based on incubation chambers integrated into a polymethylmethacrylate device. This solution incorporates key dynamic features of human digestion while maintaining low complexity and using small volumes of samples and reagents”. The digestion-chip features gradual acidification (the stepwise addition of enzymes and simulated fluids during the gastric phase) and controlled gastric emptying. These capabilities are essential for replicating the intricate environment of the human stomach and intestines. The research team’s experimental results indicate that “the ‘digestion-chip’ successfully replicates the established static digestion INFOGEST protocol”. Moreover, “the semi-dynamic digestion kinetics observed with […]

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Apply for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at INL

Apply for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at INL

INL invites postdoctoral researchers to elevate their careers through the prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) 2024 HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01-01. This exceptional opportunity is designed for researchers with up to 8 years of PhD experience who are eager to advance their careers by conducting cutting-edge research in a vibrant international environment. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships, funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe, are aimed at supporting the international mobility and professional development of PhD-holding researchers. As a fellow, you will engage in an independent research project in collaboration with a host institution in a European Member State or Associated Country. INL, located in the picturesque city of Braga, Portugal, offers a stimulating setting for your research journey. Key Benefits of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships: Eligibility Criteria: Application Deadline: The EU call deadline for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is September 11, 2024. INL is excited to support talented researchers in pursuing excellence through the MSCA-PF program. Don’t miss this chance to bring your career to the next level and join us in Braga for an enriching research experience. Join us and make a significant impact in the world of nanotechnology research with the support of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships! For more […]

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INL hosted a two-day gathering focused on Functional Layered Materials

INL hosted a two-day gathering focused on Functional Layered Materials

Between June 18 and 19, INL hosted a two-day action promoted by FUNLAYERS – a twinning initiative led by INL. The programme brought together stakeholders from academia, the private sector, and policymakers to engage with two actions. On the first day, participants delved into insightful talks and lively discussions on spin-based applications and energy storage. The exchange of ideas led to a fruitful discussion on the latest developments and future perspectives for Functional Layered Materials. The second day was dedicated to a hands-on session focused on writing a sound proposal under the MCSA Postdoctoral Fellowships. The workshop gathered young researchers, grant experts, and experienced scientists in a vibrant and insightful ideation exercise. These actions aimed to establish the foundations for facilitating knowledge sharing and cooperation between relevant actors in the field.

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