Galician ICT Cluster starts a collaboration with INL to boost innovation in companies

January 31, 2020

Cluster TIC Visita INL_30jan2020.jpg

A group of entrepreneurs from the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Cluster of the Spanish region of Galicia visited the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) on January 30, to learn firsthand about the different technologies that are developed in this international scientific infrastructure, with a strong orientation towards innovation in technologies in the nanosensors, nanoelectronics, nanorobotics, nanophotonics and nanomedicine areas, among others.  

The visit of this delegation increased INL’s knowledge of the ICT sector in Galicia and strengthened the collaboration between the two entities to develop services that could facilitate the transfer of the innovation generated in the laboratories to industry and to society.  

Technological convergence is radically transforming the way we work, manufacture or provide services, by reconfiguring value chains and business models. This convergence arises from the confluence of technologies, something that the INL has specialized in, since it concentrates, in a single space, more than two hundred researchers from the most varied scientific areas, with the objective of producing innovative results by crossing several apparently different disciplines.  

The potential of these technologies is extended when they interact and combine in an innovative way, which gives them the ability to innovate disruptively. The Galician ICT Cluster and INL have, from now on, established a collaboration to bring innovation to the products and services of Galician companies.  

INL is an intergovernmental organization created by the governments of Spain and Portugal, which places this Euroregion on the map of international scientific research, in the sectors of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and ICT.