Title: Capitaliza CTBio -Hacia la consolidación y ampliación del Clúster Transfronterizo Biotecnológico
Project description: The goal of this project is to capitalize on the most successful results achieved within the CTBio project (0082_CLUSTERBIOTRANSFRONTERIZO_1_E), by developing new actions in response to the needs of the industry/companies and by positioning the biotech sector of the Euroregion in a post-pandemic context, through:
- The implementation of new consultancy methodologies for more agile projects, adapted to the current context.
- Intersectoral collaboration for the emergence of new business opportunities thanks to collaboration between the biotech, technological and strategic sectors.
- A greater boost to the CTBio Cluster, expanding its radius of action and laying the foundations strategies with a view to the future development of the Iberian-Cross-Border Biotechnology Pole.
- International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- BIOGA – Cluster Tecnologico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida
- ZFV – Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo
- Universidade do Minho
Title: HIBA- HUB IBERIA AGROTECH: Multi-regional ecosystem for Agrifood digitization through Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
El proyecto de Cooperación Transfronteriza Interreg España-Portugal (POCTEP) HIBA impulsará un ecosistema Plurirregional centrado en la digitalización del sector agroalimentario de España y Portugal a partir de la creación de una red de Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) que fomente la iniciativa, la competitividad y la sostenibilidad empresarial, propiciando la reactivación económica post-Covid19.
Con un presupuesto de 5,3 millones de euros, cofinanciado al 75% por el Fondo FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) en el marco del Programa de Cooperación Transfronteriza Interreg V-A España-Portugal 2014-2020 (POCTEP), HIBA cuenta con 19 beneficiarios, siendo la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Junta de Andalucía (CAGPDS) el beneficiario principal.
- Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible
- Universidad de Córdoba
- Universidade de Évora
- Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucia IDEA
- GAIN – Agencia Galega de Innovacion
- International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Universidade do Algarve
- CATEC Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales
- INTEC Fundación Europea para la Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico
- INTA Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial
- Digital Innovation Hub DATALIFE
- Smart Farming COLab- Associação Laboratorio Colaborativo para a Inovação Digital na Agricultura
- Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de Andalucía
- Instituto de Educación Secundaria Galileo Galilei
- Instituto Politecnico de Beja
- CONSULAI Consultoria Agroindustrial Lda
Title: 2IQBIONEURO: Impulso de una red de I+i en química biológica para diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades neurológicas
La química biológica diseña y sintetiza herramientas químicas utilizables como sondas para el estudio y modificación racional de procesos biológicos. Uno de los grandes retos en ciencia es lograr que compuestos diseñados en el laboratorio actúen de forma predecible dentro de sistemas vivos (células, modelos animales, ensayos clínicos), para desarrollar nuevas terapias y métodos diagnósticos. 2IQBIONEURO articulará una red de I+i en química biológica para el tratamiento de enfermedades neurológicas asociadas al envejecimiento mediante:
- La formación de investigadores;
- Desarrollo de nuevas líneas de investigación;
- Estableciendo las bases tecnológicas, científicas y de RRHH para convertir la región en un polo de excelencia científica.
- a) Formación: Plan de formación y movilidad itinerarios personalizados en química biológica y enfermedades neurológicas para investigadores (diferentes fases de su carrera profesional). Organización de conferencias con ponentes de prestigio internacional.
- b) 23 publicaciones en revistas del primer decil en tres años.
- c) Nuevas patentes para el tratamiento y el diagnóstico de enfermedades neurológicas asociadas al envejecimiento.
- d) Elaboración de mapas de demanda temprana para impulsar procesos de compra pública innovadora sobre oportunidades de investigación y explotación en el área y el diseño de misiones orientadas de I+D para fomentar la investigación y resultados aplicados con contratos con el sector biofarmacéutico
ACUINANO: Impacto de nanopartículas metálicas en ecosistemas acuáticos y en productos de acuicultura; desarrollo de métodos para su detección
Project Description
O objectivo principal deste projecto é o avanço no conhecimento dos possíveis efeitos tóxicos das nanopartículas metálicas (NPs) de TiO2 e Ag nos ecossistemas aquáticos relacionados com o seitor da aquicultura, assim coma o estudo sobre possíveis efeitos em peixes e sua possível implicação com a alimentação humana.
Para isso, realizar-se-á em primeiro lugar um estudo sobre acumulação e possíveis efeitos da presença das Nps em produtos da aquicultura. Por outra parte, e a fim de estudar a segurança dos produtos de aquicultura para a saúde humana, também hão realizar-se estudos da biodisponibilidade das Nps presentes nos mesmos produtos.
Para podermos realizar estos estudos será preciso desenvolver novas plataformas nanometrológicas para o estudos das Nps. Ademais, para poder ter informação no futuro sobre a presença de NPs em plantas aquícolas é preciso realizar o desenvolvimento de sensores que permitir a deteção in situ.
Start Date: 27-08-2019
End Date: 27-08-2022
Type: Interreg POCTEP
Contract Number: 0712_ACUINANO_1_E
Funding Agency: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
INL Role: Partner
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- Universidade de Vigo (Spain)
- Cluster de Acuicultura de Galicia (Spain)
- Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR) (Portugal)
Budget Total: 1.569.135,18 €
Budget INL: 128.509,87
Title: NANOCULTURE: Risk assessment and mitigation of the presence of engineered Nanomaterials in Atlantic aquaculture
Project Description
The objective of NANOCULTURE is to advance in knowledge, risk assessment and mitigation of environmental presence of the most-used engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in market products: titanium dioxide (TiO2) and silver (Ag).
As metallic NPs present important improvements in diverse industrial applications, the frequency of their application is growing exponentially. However, the studies of risks and mitigation of their presence in the environment are lagging far behind the rate of utilization, which represents a critical environmental and safety challenge in the Atlantic Area.
The focus of the project is the aquatic ecosystems related to aquaculture, a sector of high economic relevance in the Atlantic Area, and specifically organisms used for human consumption (cultured fish, mollusks, seaweed, sea urchins, etc.). NANOCULTURE will investigate the effects of ENPs on aquaculture products, their bioaccumulation, and assess its impact on human intake.
In order to carry out this project, the collaboration of all the participating centres is essential to ensure a wide range of industrial (aquaculture professionals) and scientific profiles (analytical chemists, physical chemists, molecular biologists), as well as providing infrastructure to run the analysis and deliver real samples from aquaculture plants.
Start Date: 01 January 2019
End Date: 01 January 2022
Type: Interreg Atlantic
Contract Number: EAPA_590/2018
Funding Agency: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Atlantic Area
INL Role: Coordinator (Participant Contact: Begoña Espiña)
- Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (PT)
- Clúster de Acuicultura de Galicia (ES)
- Universidad de Vigo (ES)
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (ES)
- Indigo Rock Marine Research Station (IE)
Budget Total: 1,470,041.00€
Budget INL: 362,532.36€
Title: NMP-REG: Delivering NMP to Regional manufacturing
Project Description
Nanotechnologies and new materials (NMP) are a cornerstone of EU policy for innovation and advanced manufacturing. As one of the Key Enabling Technologies, the EU believes that NMP can reverse negative growth trends in manufacturing and foster growth and jobs. The statement is clear, but the road from intent to transfer, application and exploitation of NMP in manufacturing are long.
NMP is dealt with in research. However, the common challenge is to ensure that innovation actors cooperate to deliver research results to the manufacturing sector, with subsequent benefits for regional growth.
NMPREG groups partners from 5 regions, who want to face this challenge together. Their overall objective is to improve regional policies for the delivery of innovation in NMP to manufacturing. NMPREG focuses on policy actions that can support innovation delivery, using coordinated action from key players.
Changes are particularly expected in projects funded by policy instruments (3 ERDF ROP / 2 other key policy tools for innovation), particularly in cluster support, financing for innovation actors and other horizontal innovation delivery measures. Partners also hope to influence policy management, in terms of monitoring and evaluation criteria for innovation delivery.
NMPREG achieves this through exchanging experiences and Good Practices in a context of interregional activities, communication and stakeholder engagement. Partners develop Action Plans that result in: improved policy instruments, more and better targeted funding, with leverage effect in mobilising private funding; new or improved models for innovation delivery thanks to cooperation across the regional innovation chain.
All regional innovation players will benefit. NMPREG works towards a medium/longterm impact of creating a regional system that can support the manufacturing sector in applying NMP research to create new products / services; create places of work; promote a market for improved and cost-efficient products.
Start Date: 01 April 2016
End Date: 31 March 2021 (60 months)
Type: Interreg Europe: Improving innovation delivery policies
Contract Number: PGI00023
Funding Agency: UE-ERDF
Funding Programme: Interreg Europe
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Paula Galvão)
Project Coordinator: Agency for the Development of the Empolese Valdelsa (IT)
- ASEV – Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa (Italy)
- INL (Portugal)
- Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Belgium)
- North Regional Coordination and Development Commission (Portugal)
- University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania)
- Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (Romania)
Budget Total: €1, 622, 195.00
Budget INL: €143, 968.75
Title: CVMar+i: Industrial innovation through specific collaborations between companies and research centers in the context of marine biotechnological valorization
Project Description
The CVMar + i project intends to promote industrial innovation around marine biotechnology, proposing new products based on compounds of marine origin. The aim is to develop tools to enable companies in the region to increase investment in innovation, strengthening the role of the region (resources and institutions) in the blue economy. The project foresees the development of new products based on isolated compounds of marine resources and their by-products for application in the health (tissue regeneration and pharmacology), food and industrial areas.
Start Date: 01 January 2017
End Date: 31 December 2020
Contract Number: 0302_CVMAR_I_1_P
Funding Agency: CCDR-N
Funding Programme: INTERREG V-A España – Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Lorenzo Pastrana)
- Universidade do Minho (Coordinator)
- Universidade de Vigo
- CSIC – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
- Universidade do Porto
- CIIMAR – Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- CETMAR – Centro Tecnológico del Mar
- Develop Biosystem
- Stemmaters – Biotecnologia e Medicina Regenerativa S.A.
- Celtalga Extracts
- Arbinova
- Iuvenor Lab
- Bialactis
- Smart Inovation
- Sarspec
Budget Total: €2, 132, 000.00
Budget INL: €215, 521.88
Title: ATLANTIC-KET-MED: A Transnational Advanced Pilot Manufacturing Ecosystem for Future Biomedical Products
Project Description
The Atlantic KET Med (AKM) is bringing new, high tech, pilot production capacity to the EU Atlantic Area in support of SMEs and Start-ups using the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to produce Next Generation medical devices. AKM offers direct support to companies to enhance their: Innovation management, Value Chain Analysis, Tech specific education, research access, and much more. AKM will be working for greater integration of KETs into Atlantic Area Education, Production, and Innovation.
Start Date: 01 November 2017
End Date: 31 October 2020
Type: Interreg Atlantic
Contract Number: EAPA_384/2016
Funding Agency: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Atlantic Area
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Ana Vila)
- National University of Ireland Galway
- Fundación para a Investigación, o Desenvolvemento e a Innovación Ramón Domínguez
- Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences Ltd. trading as Bionow
- Atlanpole
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
Budget Total: 2, 768, 040.46€
Budget INL: 470, 983.67€
Title:ENHANCE MICRO ALGAE: High added-value industrial opportunities for microalgae in the Atlantic Area
Project Description
Microalgae production for high added value compounds is identified as a business sector with high growth potential in the coming decades, especially in the Atlantic Area. Barriers to improve an industrial use are dominated by a lack of technology expertise. This project will facilitate information transfer between a panel of experts and companies specializing in different areas (nutritional,cosmetic, pharmaceutical,…) thus encouraging business cooperation among the different countries.
Microalgae comprise 30,000+ known photosynthetic microorganisms; however, few are used commercially. This natural resource offers a great number of industrial possibilities by exploiting their chemical composition with growth manipulations. At the same time, this complexity can overwhelm enterprises entering this sector due to the great number of variables affecting economic and environmental viability. Despite developing scientific knowledge and interest from industry on the potential applications of microalgae, few have succeeded commercially.
This project will contribute to the competitiveness of microalgae-based industry in the Atlantic Area through the transfer of technological and economic expertise to the commercial sector.
Start Date: 01 October 2017
End Date: 30 September 2020
Type: Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020
Contract Number: EAPA_338/2016
Funding Agency: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Atlantic
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Lorenzo Pastrana)
- Swansea University
- University of Manchester
- CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre Of Marine And Environmental Research – University of Porto
- Universidade da Coruña
- UMRi CNRS LIENSs – Université de La Rochelle
- TEAGASC Food Research Centre
- GLECEX – Global and Ecofriendly Natural Extracts, S.L.
- INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Algalimento S.L.
- A4F – Algae For Future, SA
- BuggyPower
Budget Total: 2, 456, 296.42€
Budget INL: 261, 735.00€
Title: KETmaritime: Transfer of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to the Maritime Industries
Project Description
KETs (Key Enabled Technologies) have the potential to impact on many aspects of the society, enhancing the industrial competitiveness in Europe. The maritime sector still needs a transformation from a traditional one to a high value one which is embracing innovation and novel market opportunities developed in a sustainable manner.
KETmaritime aims to build a cooperative network and strengthen the KETs transfer of innovation results to facilitate the emergence of new products, services and processes across the Atlantic Area. KETmaritime network intends to increase knowledge, identify and exchange good practices and sustainable solutions based on KETs for the marine economy and resources, in order to improve the socio-economic situation through innovation and transnational cooperation.
This cooperative network will bring together public and private organizations (companies, public institutions,…) to reach a better integration of the scientific, industrial and financial stakeholders. Key organizations with experience in R&D, technology transfer in KETs and maritime activities will facilitate the adoption of novel technological developments and new ways of thinking into traditional maritime companies, especially SMEs. It is therefore addressed to end-users and services suppliers.
The use of KETs should lead not only to higher competitiveness of the area but to better protection, more safety, more lightness, longer endurance, energy-efficient powering, among other improvements
Start Date: 01 November 2017
End Date: 29 February 2020
Type: Interreg Atlantic Area
Contract Number: EAPA_595/2016
Funding Agency: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Atlantic Area
INL Role: Coordinator (Participant Contact: Ana Vila)
- INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Fundación PRODINTEC
- AIMEN – Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste
- Fórum Oceano – Associação da Economia do Mar
- CEA – Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
- Marine South East
- University College Cork
Budget Total: 988, 510.40€
Budget INL: 224, 000.00€
Title: NANOEATERS: Valorization and transfer of NANOtechnologies to EArly adopTERS of the Euroregion Galicia-Norte Portugal.
Project Description
NANOEATERS is a network of Research Centers created with the objective of supporting Euroregional “early adopters” companies in the application of new nanotechnology-based solutions. Companies, Universities and Technology Centers will work together with INL in the definition of new nano-based commercially available products and /or services. The technologies targeted by the project will offer effective responses to the weaknesses detected in the cross border Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) Galicia – Northern Portugal, contributing to major social challenges as Health, Environmental Monitoring, Food Safety, Energy Efficiency or Industry 4.0.
Project mission:
Encourage synergic cooperation between crossborder RTD centers and universities; Improve the connection between RTD centers and companies so that RTD results can be commercially exploited; and increase private investment in Research and Innovation.
Project activities:
1 – NanoEaters Community Building;
2 – NanoEaters Use Cases: Development of 10 nanotechnology based “Use Cases” based on the synergic cooperation among INL, universities and RTD Centers from Galicia, allowing the development of TRL 3-4 nanotechnologies to TRL 7-8;
3 – Call For Experiments: 22 Experiments proposed by SMEs will be selected for the development of new nanotechnology-based products, services and / or markets;
4 – Experiments development: Technological and Business Support will be given to SMEs during the execution of their proposed experiments, enabling the commercial exploitation of the RTD results through an Acceleration Program.
Start Date: 01 January 2017
End Date: 31 December 2019
Contract Number: 0181_NANOEATERS_1_EP
Funding Agency: ERDF
Funding Programme: INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Paula Galvão)
- GAIN, Axencia Galega de Innovación (Galician Innovation Agency)(Spain)
- INL (Portugal)
- Universidade de Vigo (Spain)
- Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- GRADIANT, Centro Tecnológico de Telecomunicaciones de Galicia (Spain)
- CTAG, Fundación para la promoción de la Innovación, Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en la Industria de Automoción de Galicia (Spain)
- AIMEN, Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (Spain)
- FBGS , Fundación Biomédica Galicia Sur (Spain)
Budget Total: €4, 255, 750.69
Budget INL: €1, 471, 852.35
CÓDIGOMÁIS – Foudation of a Cross-border Innovation Ecosystem in the Health Sector
CÓDIGOMÁIS – Creación de un Ecosistema Transfronterizo de Innovación en Salud
CÓDIGOMÁIS – Criação de um Ecossistema Transfronteiriço de Inovação na Saúde
Project Description
The central goal of CÓDIGOMÁIS is the foundation of a Cross-Border Innovation Ecosystem in the of health sector in the Area of Cooperation Galicia-North of Portugal, aiming at promoting the cooperation according to the model of the Quadruple Helix and market-oriented research. Three specific objectives are pursued:
1. To promote the information flow on the demand and supply of technological solutions and the cooperation between research centers, regional administration, companies and end-users.
2. Increase market-oriented RTD.
3. Promote the internationalisation of the Galicia-Norte de Portugal Health Ecosystem.
Main results:
1. A solid cross-border ecosystem open to all key regional stakeholders.
2. Give support 9 projects with potential to become technological spin-offs.
3. Open innovation dynamics based on co-creation methodologies.
4. Implementation of a cross-border health ecosystem with strong international orientation.
El Objetivo General de CÓDIGOMÁIS consiste en la creación de un Ecosistema Transfronterizo de Innovación en el ámbito de la salud en el Área de Cooperación Galicia-Norte de Portugal, que impulse la cooperación según el modelo de la cuádruple hélice y la valorización orientada al mercado de los resultados de la investigación. Se persiguen tres Objetivos Específicos:
1. Favorecer el flujo de información en el Área de Cooperación demanda sobre oferta de soluciones tecnológicas, oportunidades de licitación, proyectos de innovación entre administración-centros de I+D+i-empresas-usuarios finales.
2. Potenciar un Ecosistema Promotor de la I+D Orientada al Mercado y de Servicios Eficientes.
3. Potenciar un Ecosistema Conectado Internacionalmente.
Los principales resultados del proyecto serán:
1. La integración de los Beneficiarios en un Ecosistema Transfronterizo de Innovación estable, abierto a todos los actores claves públicos y privados del sector de la salud.
2. Un Itinerario común de valorización de proyectos de investigación orientados al mercado en el sector biosanitario y su aplicación a 12 proyectos con potencial para convertirse en spin-offs de base tecnológica.
3. La introducción en el Área de Cooperación modelos de innovación abierta de los servicios socio-sanitario, basados en innovación abierta y técnicas de co-diseño y co-creación.
4. La puesta en marcha de un polo de competitividad transfronterizo en el sector de la salud, con una fuerte orientación internacional.
O objectivo geral do CÓDIGOMÁIS é a criação de um ecossistema de inovação transfronteiriço no setor da saúde na área de cooperação Galiza-Norte de Portugal, impulsionanmdo a cooperação segundo um modelo de hélice quadrupula e orientado os resultados de investigaçaõ para o mercado. Os objetivos específico são:
1. Promover o fluxo de informações sobre a procura e oferta de tecnologias na área de cooperação, oportunidades de licitação, projetos de inovação e investigação entre centros de investigação, administrações regionais, empresas e utilizadores finais.
2. Promover um ecossistema de I&D orientado para o mercado e de serviços eficientes.
3. Fortalecer um ecossistema conectado internacionalmente.
Os principais resultados do projecto são:
1. A integração dos beneficiários num ecossistema de inovação transfronteiriço estável, aberta a todos os intervenientes públicos e privados no sector da saúde.
2. Um roteiro comum de valorização de projetos de investigação orientada para o mercado no sector biomédico e sua aplicação a 12 projetos com potencial para se tornarem spin-offs de base tecnológica.
3. A introdução na área de cooperação de modelos de inovação ddos serviços sócio-sanitários com base em inovação aberta e técnicas de co-design e co-criação.
4. A implementação de um pólo de competição transfronteiriço no sector da saúde, com uma forte orientação internacional.
Start Date: 01 January 2016
End Date: 31 December 2019
Contract Number: 0227_CODIGOMAIS_1_E
Funding Agency: ERDF
Funding Programme: INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Ana Vila and Marina Dias)
- ACIS – Axencia Galega para Xestion do Coñecemento en Saude – Servicio Gallego de Salud – SEGAS (Coordinator) (Spain)
- INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (Portugal)
- UVIGO – Universidade de Vigo (Spain)
- USC – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- CSG – Cluster Saúde de Galícia (Spain)
- BIOGA – Cluster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida (Spain)
- HCP – Health Cluster Portugal – Associação do Pólo de Competitividade da Saúde (Portugal)
- FMUP – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- 2ca – Centro Clínico Académico Braga (Portugal)
Budget Total: €2, 258, 893.06
Budget INL: €229, 162.15
Title: NANOGATEWAY, Crossborder Platform for the promotion of nanotechnology Research, Technology Development and Innovation.
Project Description
NANOGATEWAY aims to implement a strategy and action plan that will unlock the potential of nanotechnology and create a new collaborative approach among value chain actors in which innovation is central. INL, together with regional institutions, intends to strengthen the capacity to develop excellence in R & I and motivate academic institutions and research centers to develop collaborative R & D projects and to guide their projects in the search for solutions and products Nanotechnological basis.
Project mission and activities:
1 – Formulation of a Pluri-regional Strategy for Intelligent Specialization in Nanotechnology focusing on the key sectors of the POCTEP (nanoRIS3), through a multiactor process developed in the 8 crossborder regions;
2 – Creation and Promotion of a Pluri-regional Platform in Nanotechnology (nanoGateway);
3 – International dissemination of scientific excellence in nanotechnology developed in the POCTEP region with application in key sectors for economy development;
4 – Implementation of short-term knowledge transfer activities involving researchers and industry.
Start Date: 01 October 2016
End Date: 31 December 2020
Contract Number: : 0300_NANOGATEWAY_6_P
Funding Agency: ERDF
Funding Programme: INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
INL Role: Coordinator (Participant Contact: Paula Galvão)
Budget Total: €1, 013, 028.79
Budget INL: €1, 013, 028.79
Title: CTB – TRANSREGIONAL CLUSTER ON BIOTECHNOLOGY. Increase the Growth and competitiveness of the cross-border biotechnology sector.
Project Description
The main goal of the CT-BIO project is to improve the business competitiveness and the consolidation of the biotech and life sciences sector in the cross-border region with a joint plan based on collaboration between agents and companies on both sides of the border.
Project mission and activities are:
- Promote the cooperation and integration of the biotech sector in the trans-border region through the boost to the Iberian Biotech Cluster.
- Make the Cluster an agent of promotion of the sectorial competitiveness, acting as provider of advanced services of consolidation, of business development and of attracting external financing.
- Implement systems and actions to support development, entrepreneurship, creativity and the generation of new ideas and new business models in the biotechnology sector.
- Encourage the internationalization of the sector through the collaboration of companies and other entities from the north of Portugal and Galicia in the joint search for business opportunities and management and access to external markets.
- Contribute to the reinforcement of the human resources of the sector through strategies of acquisition of entrepreneurial competences.
- Encourage the creation of a business hub and increase the space available for the implantation and consolidation of innovative business initiatives in the biotech sector.
Start Date: 30 March 2017
End Date: 30 September 2019
Funding Agency: ERDF
Funding Programme: INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Paula Galvão)
- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo (Spain)
- BIOGA – Cluster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida (Spain)
- INL (Portugal)
- Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
- Associação Portuguesa de Bioindústria (Portugal)
Budget Total: €1, 839, 305.00
Budget INL: €209, 544.18
Title: NanoDesk: Advanced web tools for enhancing the implementation of nanotechnology and the safe use of nanomaterials in the plastic industrial sector.
Project Description
NanoDesk seeks the promotion of the nanotechnology as KET to support the development of new added value plastic materials based on the use of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) and ensuring the technical viability and safety of process and products based on the use of ENMs.
The main goal is to develop a web based platform to promote the use of ENMs in the plastic industry. To this end, four main objectives were defined:
- Development of an observatory on the safety of nanostructured polymer based materials
- Development of 4 computational models to predict the toxicity of ENMs (NanoQSAR)
- Development of a new tool to evaluate the exposure in the workplace, relevant environmental compartments and consumers
- Advanced Data mining / information searching tools
- Strategic Plan and road map of the plastic sector
Start Date: 01 June 2016
End Date: 31 May 2019
Type: N/A
Contract Number: SOE1/P1/E0215
Funding Agency: ERDF
Funding Programme: SUDOE-Interreg
INL Role: partner (Participant Contact: Begoña Espiña)
- INL (Portugal)
- Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística – ITENE (Spain)
- ProtoQSAR 2000 SL (Spain)
- Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Délégation Midi-Pyrénées Centre d’Elaboration de Matériaux et d’Etudes Structurales (CEMES) (France)
Budget Total: €799, 376.00
Budget INL: €100, 000.00
Title: NANOVALOR – Creation and Promotion of a Competitiveness Pole in Nanotechnology for the capitalization of R&D potential in the North of Portugal-Galicia Euroregion.
Project Description (EN)
The Nanovalor Project’s mission is the consolidation of institutional links between the key actors in the field of Nanotechnology in the North of Portugal-Galicia Euroregion through the creation of a competitiveness pole (PCT).
The North of Portugal-Galicia Euro-region has become less competitive responding less and less to the real market needs.
This Euro-region currently faces the challenge of finding solutions and innovative routes to not only overcome the prolonged economic crisis (which has affected the productivity and employment) but also to consolidate their development model.
The strategy to be adopted should be strongly structured in establishing strong links between innovation, technology and research & development.
Project Description (PT)
O Projecto Nanovalor tem como principal missão reforçar os laços institucionais entre os actores-chave na área da Nanotecnologia das regiões do Norte de Portugal e da Galiza, através da criação e formalização de um Pólo de Competitividade (PCT).
O aumento da competitividade na Euro-região Norte de Portugal-Galiza é um dos factores chave para garantir o crescimento económico sustentável da região. A Euro-região enfrenta atualmente o desafio de encontrar soluções para a crise económica prolongada (que tem afectado a produtividade e o emprego) e, em paralelo, consolidar o seu modelo de desenvolvimento. A estratégia a seguir deverá ser fortemente estruturada em termos do estabelecimento de fortes vínculos entre inovação, tecnologia e investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D).
Project Description (ES)
El Proyecto Nanovalor tiene la misión principal de fortalecer los vínculos institucionales entre los actores clave en el campo de la nanotecnología en las regiones Norte de Portugal y Galicia, a través de la creación y formalización de un Polo de Competitividad (PCT).
El aumento de la competitividad en la Euro-región Norte de Portugal-Galicia parece ser a clave para asegurar un crecimiento económico sostenible en la región.
La Eurorregión se enfrenta al desafío de encontrar soluciones y salidas para la prolongada crisis económica (que viene afectando a la productividad y al empleo) y, al mismo tiempo, consolidar el modelo de desarrollo.
La estrategia a seguir deberá estar perfectamente estructurada en cuanto al establecimiento de fuertes lazos entre innovación, tecnología, innovación y desarrollo (I+D).
Start Date: 01 June 2011
End Date: 30 June 2014 (36 months)
Funding Agency: UE-ERDF
Funding Programme: Interreg POCTEP: Operational Programme for Cross-border Cooperation: Spain-Portugal, 2007-2013
INL Role: Partner Beneficiary (Participant Contact: Paula Galvão)
Project Coordinator: Universidade do Minho
- INL (Portugal)
- Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
- TecMinho (Portugal)
- FEUGA – Fundación Empresa – Universidad Gallega (Spain)
- Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- USC – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- INESC Porto (Portugal)
- AIMEN (Spain)
Budget Total: €1, 379, 204.00
Budget INL: €144, 340.00
Title: Smart and eco-innovative SEAFOOD processes and products for healthy AGEing
Project Description
SEAFOOD-AGE tackles a common social and economic challenge in the Atlantic Area: an ageing population. Healthy ageing requires a healthy diet, and seafood products provide essential nutrients not always accessible to older adults. The project will exploit the maritime dimension of the AA regions and will adopt circular economy concepts to generate ready-to-eat seafood for healthy ageing, produce novel eco-packaging and develop a smart label for better quality, safety and minimum food waste.
Start Date: 08 December 2018
End Date: 08 December 2021
Type: Interreg Atlantic Area
Funding Agency: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Funding Programme: Interreg Atlantic Area