Regional Funded – Spain


Title: Mytitox: Industrial application of protocols for the mussel and pectinides detoxification using processing or depuration by microencapsulated agents. Nanotechnology enabled systems for aquacultured seafood contamination forecast.

Project Description

The main objective of Mytitox project is to enable the implementation of industrial strategies to reduce or eliminate the content on toxins of mussels and scallops.
Scientific and technical goals are grouped by three activities but INL’s participation is concentrated in the first one:
ACTIVITY 1 “Prediction of toxic episodes caused by lipophilic toxins through the use of mesoporous materials (Covalent Organic Frameworks-COFs) in the seafood production areas. This activity has the main the following objectives:
– Develop a new system based on COFs that allows an increase in the efficiency of adsorption of toxins in the marine environment over other widely used materials, such as polymeric resins.
– Establish the conditions of use of COFs as a sampling tool.
– Evaluate the use of the developed system in the early detection of toxic episodes.

Start Date: 01 July 2015

End Date: 31 December 2017

Type: Subcontract

Contract Number: N/A

Funding Agency: CDTi (Spain)

Funding Programme: FEDER-Innterconecta

INL Role: subcontracted (Participant Contact: Begoña Espiña)


Budget Total: € 1, 500, 000.00

Budget INL: € 60, 000.00

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Title: SF4SF: Smart factory for safe foods

Project Description:

The main objective of the SF4SF project is to increase the productive efficiency of food processing plants and the food safety of products made by integrating faster, sensitive, efficient and sustainable emerging technologies into the plant for the detection, elimination and management of microbiological risks and allergens.

Start Date: 01 July 2015

End Date: 30 June 2017

Type: RTD

Contract Number: EXP-00082964 / ITC-20151195

Funding Agency: CDTI Ministry of Industry

Funding Programme: INTERCONECTA

INL Role: Partner (Participant Contact: Lorenzo Pastrana)


Budget Total: € 626, 174.60

Budget INL: € 61, 750.00


Title: WaterNanoEnv: Research on nanotechnologies applied to the environmental control in the water cycle

Project Description

The overall objective of the project is to promote research in nanotechnology for developing advanced tools for environmental monitoring in the field of integrated water cycle. For that purpose innovative solutions will be tailored to respond to the needs of water monitoring under the requirements of environmental and economic sustainability.

The specific objectives of research and development solutions will be addressed in the critical stages of the water cycle:

– Water supply: design, research and development of experimental prototypes for early warning of the presence of cyanotoxins, Escherichia coli and Enterococci in water from dams.

– Depuration: characterization, influence and impact on the Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) of a new type of waste resulting from the use of nanomaterials in industry, called nanowaste, and containing the ENP (Engineering NanoParticles)

A strategic axis of work addresses the identification of lines and R & D future projects of high socio-economic and industrial impact at different stages of the water cycle, including bathing areas, production areas established, etc. This line will be articulated through the establishment and implementation of a stable and multidisciplinary group of collaboration between Galician research organizations and INL relying on the support of experts in technology transfer for the validation and market valorization of the project outputs.


Start Date: 01 November 2015

End Date: 31 October 2017

Type: Subcontract

Contract Number:

Funding Agency: GAIN-ERDF

Funding Programme:

INL Role: subcontracted (Participant Contact: Begoña Espiña)


Budget Total: € 908, 500.00

Budget INL: € 395, 000.00