It took a village to make the SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet networking event on Sustainable Nanofabrication for the last 3 days at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga – Portugal. We couldn’t have done it without the organization, all the team members, all participants and sponsors.

The 3-day programme included a panel dedicated to industry, innovation and research, composed of renowned speakers that addressed the hot topics on sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing; brokerage sessions that explored potential business and technological collaboration opportunities in the nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing ecosystem; a co-creation session that assessed the impact of the proposed actions and stimulate implementation ideas within the “SUSNANOFAB Roadmap for an EU-wide strategy on nanofabrication”; training sessions in Safe and Sustainable by Design and Standardization; and the we witnessed the beginning of a stimulating and promising meeting point for industrial-scale nanofabrication – the NanoFabNet Hub.

This 3-day networking event started and ended with a firm statement: nanofabrication has the potential to address significant socio-economic challenges, and its undeniably vast potential must be optimized.

Moreover, we felt the spirit of sharing, a unique co-creation energy, and a strong will to follow up with concrete actions that will contribute to a robust and sustainable nanofab ecosystem.

Lars Montelius at IndTech2022 presenting the Materials 2030 Roadmap

The Director-General of INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Lars Montelius presented last week, at IndTech 2022, the Materials 2030 Roadmap, during the Plenary session: Systemic Approach for Advanced Materials: 2030 Perspective chaired by Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment.

After a general presentation of the initiative by INL DG Lars Montelius ( INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory is one of the signatories of the Materials 2030 Manifesto) the representatives of the 4 technology platforms also involved in the initiative pointed out the expected benefits of uniting all the advanced materials stakeholders in one main goal and objectives.

For Lars Montelius, it was a real pleasure to present the Materials 2030 Roadmap, such an inclusive project. A great set of activities are being developed and we are already working together to present new developments in the near future.

On 7 February 2022, a Materials 2030 Manifesto was presented by high-level representatives from European research institutes and industries to Commissioner Gabriel. It stressed the importance of the EU’s technology leadership, strategic autonomy and the role of advanced materials. It invites stakeholders to combine more closely upstream research with industry-driven applications in innovation markets.

Building on the vision of the Materials 2030 Manifesto, on 22 June, the ‘Materials 2030 Roadmap’ was published. The goal of this Roadmap is to pave the way for the engagement of all advanced materials stakeholders and co-create the European materials agenda with R&I stakeholders and the proposed next steps towards a structured Materials 2030 initiative will be discussed during the upcoming IndTech2022 conference.

You can download the Materials 20230 Roadmap here.


SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet join forces to host a networking event on Sustainable Nanofabrication between July 5-7 at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga – Portugal.

The 3-day programme includes:

Be part of this joint initiative to strengthen networks while exploring technologies to uptake sustainable nanofabrication solutions!

+ [ Registration ]

Materials 2030 Manifesto latest developments presented at IndTech2022

The Director-General of INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Lars Montelius is one of the main Speakers and will be present at IndTech 2022 Conference Plenary session: Systemic Approach for Advanced Materials: 2030 Perspective on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. During this session, the Materials 2030 Roadmap will be announced and this will be the starting point for the “European Materials 2030 Initiative for Planet, People, and Prosperity” action.

Advanced materials are key enabling technologies to deliver the solutions to reach climate neutrality, circularity and sustainability, meaning that enhanced circularity and responsible practices should systematically be part of each and every development, focusing on sustainable and safe advanced materials. Also, Europe realizes its dependency on other regions for its strategic value chains and now wants to reinforce its autonomy and preserve its technology leadership. These goals can only be achieved by collectively re-inventing the way advanced materials are developed.

On 7 February 2022, a Materials 2030 Manifesto was presented by high-level representatives from European research institutes and industries to Commissioner Gabriel. It stressed the importance of the EU’s technology leaderships, strategic autonomy and the role of advanced materials. It invites stakeholders to combine more closely upstream research with industry-driven applications in innovation markets.

Building on the vision of the Materials 2030 Manifesto, on 22 June, the ‘Materials 2030 Roadmap’ was published. The goal of this Roadmap is to pave the way for the engagement of all advanced materials stakeholders and co-create the European materials agenda with R&I stakeholders and the proposed next steps towards a structured Materials 2030 initiative will be discussed during the upcoming IndTech2022 conference.

You can download the Materials 20230 Roadmap here.

We will also be present together with the partners of the EU projects FlexFunction2Sustain and SAFE-N-MEDTECH co-organizes an OITB Village at IndTech2022 in Grenoble, France, June 27–29, 2022. Join us between June 27-30, 2022 at


That’s a wrap for the INL Summit 2022!

And that’s a wrap for the INL SUMMIT 2022. The INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory aimed that this event would be an open and inclusive forum of exchange that enabled the needed transitions through a unique and inspiring panel of multidisciplinary experts sharing the latest findings on new materials for sustainable solutions, disruptive computation, healthcare innovation, and other nanotech advances transforming our lives.

The INL Summit was opened by the Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education – Elvira Fortunato, Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga, António Cunha, President of CCDR-N and Professor Lars Montelius, Director-General INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.

Elvira Fortunato highlighted INL and the work developed and stressed the scientific cooperation between Portugal and Spain through the implementation of a new Iberian Research Center focused on Energy Storage, which will be born in the city of Cáceres and should start operating at the end of 2023 with 150 technicians and researchers. The Minister also mentioned that the Portuguese Government will support the creation of this new laboratory which is so important for all of Europe in the sense of a greener and more sustainable future.

Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga, insisted on the need to commit to science in the face of humanity’s new challenges, such as the green transition or the circular economy. He also referred to the importance of providing a solution to “sustainable mobility” in large cities and the importance of “finding new solutions to store the energy” that is produced, which is why the city of Braga participates in the “Batteries 2030” research to find new formulas for energy production and distribution.

Researchers, policy-makers, industry partners, and venture capital investors came together in a program that included lectures, round tables and networking opportunities, with the participation of Peter Dröll, Director for Prosperity, Directorate-General Research and Innovation – European Commission, Fabio Taucer, Policy Officer, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, José Mendes, Executive President of Fundação Mestre Casais and a Full Professor at the University of Minho, António Amorim, President and CEO Corticeira Amorim among others.

With a multidisciplinary group of 30 experts and + 300 participants this INL Summit 2022 was in a hybrid format and participants could attend either online or in-person at the International Iberian Institute of Nanotechnology (INL), in Braga, Portugal. 

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And that’s a wrap for the INL SUMMIT 2022. The INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory aimed that this event would be an open and inclusive forum of exchange that enabled the needed transitions through a unique and inspiring panel of multidisciplinary experts sharing the latest findings on new materials for sustainable solutions, disruptive computation, healthcare innovation, and other nanotech advances transforming our lives.

The INL Summit was opened by the Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education – Elvira Fortunato, Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga, António Cunha, President of CCDR-N and Professor Lars Montelius, Director-General INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.

Elvira Fortunato highlighted INL and the work developed and stressed the scientific cooperation between Portugal and Spain through the implementation of a new Iberian Research Center focused on Energy Storage, which will be born in the city of Cáceres and should start operating at the end of 2023 with 150 technicians and researchers. The Minister also mentioned that the Portuguese Government will support the creation of this new laboratory which is so important for all of Europe in the sense of a greener and more sustainable future.

Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga, insisted on the need to commit to science in the face of humanity’s new challenges, such as the green transition or the circular economy. He also referred to the importance of providing a solution to “sustainable mobility” in large cities and the importance of “finding new solutions to store the energy” that is produced, which is why the city of Braga participates in the “Batteries 2030” research to find new formulas for energy production and distribution.

Researchers, policy-makers, industry partners, and venture capital investors came together in a program that included lectures, round tables and networking opportunities, with the participation of Peter Dröll, Director for Prosperity, Directorate-General Research and Innovation – European Commission, Fabio Taucer, Policy Officer, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, José Mendes, Executive President of Fundação Mestre Casais and a Full Professor at the University of Minho, António Amorim, President and CEO Corticeira Amorim among others.

With a multidisciplinary group of 30 experts and + 300 participants this INL Summit 2022 was in a hybrid format and participants could attend either online or in-person at the International Iberian Institute of Nanotechnology (INL), in Braga, Portugal.