Ricardo Ferreira

Research Group Leader

R. Ferreira Research Group

Ricardo Ferreira is the Group Leader of the Spintronics research group at INL. He received his PhD in Physics Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in 2008 upon his work on ion beam deposited magnetic tunnel junctions targeting hard disk drive read heads, non‐volatile memories and magnetic field sensor applications.

At INL the work of Ricardo has been focused on the production of devices based on Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs) using CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB tunnel barriers and the development of two high yield and high uniformity fabrication processes on 200mm wafers: a micro‐fabrication process (for the production of devices down to 1μm2) and a nanofabrication process (for the production of devices down to <50nm). The current research goals include the linearization of full signal MgO MTJs, the production of magnetometers for operation under harsh conditions, the fabrication of magnetic field sensors targeting the detection of pT fields in the 1/f dominated frequency region, the production of devices that explore spin transfer and spin hall effects (nano-oscillators, MRAM cells, other nano-scale devices executing high-level functions including neuromorphic computation, true random number generation and physical unclonable functions) and the monolithic integration of MTJs with MEMS and CMOS devices. Ricardo is engaged in several projects concerning the application of MTJ devices in high TRL Industrial applications, including projects aiming the production of cyber-physical systems as enablers of IIOT and Industry 5.0 ready production systems, as well as space applications. He is co-author of 150+ peer-reviewed publications, co-inventor in 4 patent applications submitted at INL and participated in 6 european projects in the last 10 years. 

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