Vera Cardoso
Research Assistant

Vera Cardoso joined INL in 2023 and is currently a Research Fellow in Espiña's group. Her research focuses on utilization of microalgae (diatoms) for technological applications, with a focus on optics.
Vera has a background in Biology and Microalgal Physiology. She holds a BSc in Aquatic Sciences from the University of Porto (2016) and a MSc in Marine Biology from the University of Aveiro (2022), where she studied the photophysiology of cyanobacterial strains and was trained in estimation of photosynthesis activities and growth efficiencies of microalgae, including pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometry and pigment quantification. After graduation, she was hired under the NASCADIA project (PTDC/BTA-BTA/2061/2021), a joint project at UA and the INL. She is responsible for the cultivation, purification, characterization, and functionalization of diatom biosilica. She enhanced protocols for material modifications, including in vivo doping of chemicals, control of structures using clonal cell lines, and characterization of photonic properties.
Vera was awarded an FCT PhD grant in 2024. Her project focuses on the use of diatom biosilica for photocatalysis, integrating nature and technology for sustainable environmental solutions.