INL Summit 2016 – NanoDigest

INL Summit 2016 – NanoDigest

The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) is dedicating its 2016 annual Summit – NanoDigest – to the fascinating subject of food. Specialist from different areas will gather at INL in Braga this October 18 and 19 to discuss challenges & trends related with the whole food chain, with a special focus on food processing, food additives, food packaging, food quality and monitoring areas. For two days leading industrial players from the food industry, business representatives, food entrepreneurs, representatives from regional & national governmental institutions, consumer organisations, gastronomy and researchers will discuss the upcoming novelties and changes in the food sector. The INL Summit will provide an opportunity to debate the latest developments, trends, as well as practical challenges encountered in the food sector. It will be an opportunity to listen to thought-provoking presentations from national and international reputed industry experts and hear innovative ideas to implement in your workplace. Nanotechnology will play a key role in the food system in the next future facing the main challenges for this century. How to feed the growing world population, how to make healthier, safer and tastier foods or how to make sustainable the food system are some of the challenges that can […]

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Workshop on Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies

Workshop on Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies

INL will host a Workshop on Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies this September 13-14. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from University of Minho (UMinho) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory INL, together with a selection of distinguished external speakers, to discuss the potential for collaborations in the broad areas of Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies, in the context of the recently signed agreement for collaboration between UM and INL. The speakers are required to set the level of their presentations keeping in mind the diverse background of the participants. The list of topics to be discussed includes Quantum information, Quantum Sensors, Quantum optics, Quantum Plasmonics, Optoelectronics and Spin physics in graphene and other 2D materials, etc. This event is sponsored in part by SPINOGRAPH, a Marie Curie ITN on Spintronics in Graphene. AGENDA

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INL is opening a call of 19 new positions to strengthen its research lines for highly qualified researchers

INL is opening a call of 19 new positions to strengthen its research lines for highly qualified researchers

(4) Senior Staff Researchers (4) Staff Researchers (11) Postdoctoral Research Fellows This call is cofunded by NORTE-45-2015–02 – “Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I”, funded by Norte 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. INL – The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, was founded under an international legal framework to perform interdisciplinary research and to deploy and articulate nanotechnology for the benefit of society. INL aims to become the world-wide hub for nanotechnology addressing society’s grand challenges with specific emphasis on Aging & Wellbeing, Mobility & Urban Living and a Safe & Secure Society. The work undertaken by our researchers has a significant impact on people’s lives and societal benefit. The objective is to ensure that staff is employed on the basis of skills and requirements for the job and that there is a mutually beneficial relationship between INL’s expectations and the staff personal and professional career development. INL recruits from all over the world. We find the diversity and multiculturalism of our teams as well as family friendly working practices and benefits to be a great asset and an essential element in cultivating an attractive and inspiring workplace. Call General Conditions: INL encourages researchers with a distinctive profile at the highest international […]

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INL participates in the fabrication of the smallest hard disk to date

INL participates in the fabrication of the smallest hard disk to date

A collaboration between the Dutch University TU Delft and INL leads to the fabrication of a laboratory prototype of digital memory with atomic-scale bits that outperforms the storage density of current technologies by a factor of 500. The results were published in Nature Nanotechnology A kilobyte rewritable atomic memory (authors: F. E. Kalff, M. P. Rebergen, E. Fahrenfort, J. Girovsky, R. Toskovic, J. L. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier & A. F. Otte) Every day, modern society creates more than a billion gigabytes of new data. To store all this data, it is increasingly important that each single bit occupies as little space as possible. A team of scientists at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University, in collaboration with the theory group at INL, managed to bring this reduction to the ultimate limit: a memory of 1 kilobyte (8,000 bits), where each bit is represented by the position of one single chlorine atom. “In theory, this storage density would allow all books ever created by humans to be written on a single postage stamp”, says lead-scientist Sander Otte, from TU Delft. Records The fabricated memory breaks several records. “It is, by far, the largest structure fabricated by assembling atoms 1 […]

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INL hosted the EDA Seminar on Metamaterials for Defence Applications

INL hosted the EDA Seminar on Metamaterials for Defence Applications

On 15th June 2016, took place at INL an EDA seminar to address the effects hostile environments have on materials as well as possible solutions to mitigate these effects. About 31 experts from various Europeans Institutions – Ministries of Defence, Armed Forces, European Industry, and Academia – participated in this seminar. The main outcome of the seminar was the identification of promising solutions such as coatings, structural health monitoring, smart materials, additive manufacturing and nanotechnology fabrication methods. The seminar was co-organized by the EDA’s CapTech on Materials & Structures, the Ministry of Defence Portugal, the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) and the University of Beira Interior (UBI).

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Delivering Nanotechnologies, advanced Materials and Production to REGional manufacturing

Delivering Nanotechnologies, advanced Materials and Production to REGional manufacturing

Nanotechnologies and new materials (NMP) are a cornerstone of EU policy for innovation and advanced manufacturing. As one of the Key Enabling Technologies, the EU believes that NMP can reverse negative growth trends in manufacturing and foster growth and jobs. The statement is clear, but the road from intent to transfer, application and exploitation of NMP in manufacturing are long. NMP is dealt with in research. However, the common challenge is to ensure that innovation actors cooperate to deliver research results to the manufacturing sector, with subsequent benefits for regional growth. NMPREG groups partners from 5 regions, who want to face this challenge together. Their overall objective is to improve regional policies for the delivery of innovation in NMP to manufacturing. NMPREG focuses on policy actions that can support innovation delivery, using coordinated action from key players. Changes are particularly expected in projects funded by policy instruments (3 ERDF ROP / 2 other key policy tools for innovation), particularly in cluster support, financing for innovation actors and other horizontal innovation delivery measures. Partners also hope to influence policy management, in terms of monitoring and evaluation criteria for innovation delivery. NMPREG achieves this through exchanging experiences and Good Practices in a […]

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