INL strengthens collaborative ties with Argentine researchers

INL strengthens collaborative ties with Argentine researchers

The governments of Argentina, Portugal and Spain signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation between the three countries in the area of nanotechnology. The objective is to develop joint projects in the area of nanotechnology and encourage the training of highly qualified human resources. The document will facilitate the access to Argentine institutions of science, technology and innovation, researchers, students and companies to the research facilities of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. The memorandum was signed by the Argentine Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Lino Barañao, the Portuguese Minister of Education and Science, Nuno Crato, and the Spanish Ambassador Eduardo Junco, representing the Spanish Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, Carmen Vela, on March 11th in Lisbon.

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Portuguese Minister of Health visited INL

Portuguese Minister of Health visited INL

The Portuguese Minister of Health, Paulo Macedo, visited the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) to get to know the main research projects carried out in the area of nanomedicine. The full press release can be read here (only in Portuguese).

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Algerian Minister of Higher Education visited INL

Algerian Minister of Higher Education visited INL

The Algerian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mohamed Mebarki, accompanied by a group of representatives from Algerian Scientific and Educational Institutions, visited the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory to explore the opportunity to establish scientific cooperation. “This visit is an opportunity to attract talented Algerian students and researchers to work with us at INL“, said Paulo Freitas, deputy director of INL. “We can provide a state of the art facility and benefit from the specific knowledge and know-how that Algeria can provide as a result of its more developed sectors such as the natural gas industry“. The Spanish State Secretary for Research, Development and Innovation, also present during the event, considered the visit to be of “extraordinary importance”. Carmen Vela underlined the commitment of both INL funding countries, Portugal and Spain, towards its international nature. INL’s international dimension, “has to go beyond its written Statues and become effective through real collaborations with other countries“, added Carmen Vela. José Ferreira Gomes, Portuguese State Secretary for Higher Education, underlined the advantage of attracting foreign students and researchers to INL. “It is interesting for us to have young people developing their studies and research in our laboratories”.

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Call for Expressions of Interest for Postdoctoral Research

Call for Expressions of Interest for Postdoctoral Research

The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) is launching a Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Postdoctoral Research fellow positions. The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) is an institution with international legal status, registered at the United Nations created to foster interdisciplinary research in Nanotechnology and Nanosciences. INL is a global centre of excellence in applied nanotechnology research, aiming to attract the world’s best scientists and engineers. More information here.

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Theory Group Research on “Control of single-spin magnetic anisotropy by exchange coupling” published in Nature Nanotechnology

Theory Group Research on “Control of single-spin magnetic anisotropy by exchange coupling” published in Nature Nanotechnology

When directly on a metal surface, the magnetism (black arrows) of a single cobalt atom (orange circles) is screened by strong interactions with the surrounding metallic sea (blue). By moving these atoms towards the centre of an island of thin insulator material (white), we can gradually decrease that strength of that interaction, which results in a remarkable enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy. Image Credit: Alfaro Cuevas ( The energy needed to change the magnetic orientation of a single atom can be modified by varying the atom’s electrical coupling to nearby metals. The capability to determine an atom’s magnetic orientation provides control over its magnetic stability and therefore its usefulness in a variety of future device applications. This striking result was published in the current edition of the journal Nature Nanotechnology by an international group of scientists working at International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (Portugal), the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) at UCL (UK), the University of Zaragoza (Spain), and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Germany). Read more here. Journal link: Control of single-spin magnetic anisotropy by exchange coupling. doi: 10.1038/NNANO.2013.264

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Director General of INL invited to participate in Nanomercosur 2013

Director General of INL invited to participate in Nanomercosur 2013

The Director-General of INL, José Rivas, was invited to participate in the event Nanomercosur 2013, that took place on November 12 -14, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The meeting was dedicated to «Nanotechnology and Industrial Competitiveness». On the first day, José Rivas presented the theme «Nanotechnology from the Laboratory to the market». He also contributed to the debate dedicated to the subject of «Cooperation between academia, industry and governance», with his talk related to the INL project on «International cooperation in Nanotechnology», on the second day of the event. The participation of the INL Director-General in Nanomercosur 2013 comprised meetings with important members of the Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Production, representatives of the Fundación Argentina de Nanotecnología, as well as business people from the Mercosur production sector, who showed great interest in possible collaborations with INL. Nanomercosur 2013 was organized by the Fundación Argentina de Nanotecnología (FAN). Researchers, engineers, speakers from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Spain, Portugal, Italy and the United States of America, as well as entrepreneurs from the European and Latin-American nanotechnology sector gathered for three days at Nanomercosur 2013.

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