EU Commission Unveils Strategy for Advanced Materials to Boost Industrial Leadership

EU Commission Unveils Strategy for Advanced Materials to Boost Industrial Leadership

The European Commission has unveiled a comprehensive strategy aimed at securing industrial leadership in advanced materials, heralding them as a pivotal enabling technology. In a communication sent out yesterday February 27th, 2024, the Commission aims to create a dynamic, secure, and inclusive ecosystem for advanced materials in Europe. Advanced materials, defined as those engineered for specific properties or enhanced functions, are set to play a crucial role in shaping the future of industries across various sectors. Key Points Key points shared in this communication, available via this link, highlighted the significance of advanced materials and the challenges and objectives. The challenges acknowledged in the strategy included the fragmentation in research and innovation ecosystems, insufficient private investments, and a lack of progress in circularity and material efficiency. It also recognised the lengthy innovation processes which can be accelerated by digitalisation and the disconnect between innovative research and industry uptake. Several needs were also identified, such as testing and experimentation facilities, harmonised standards, and upkeep of skills needed to increase the innovation capacity and production of advanced materials. Five Pillars of Action To address the identified challenges, the strategy points to five pillars of action, these being: The European Commission’s strategy underscores […]

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INL continues to breakthrough in Energy research

INL continues to breakthrough in Energy research

Clean energy technologies based in photovoltaics, energy storage and renewable gases are key research lines of the Clean Energy Cluster at INL. In 2023 there were several developments in terms of people, projects, events, and scientific advances. There are 10 INL research groups participating in the Clean Energy cluster, with 17 research and development competitively funded projects, including 8 European projects. In 2023, these groups saw 5 PhD graduations and 9 MSc completions. Three researchers received recognition by Stanford University, placing them among the top 2% of scientists worldwide of 2022 – Laura Salonen, Lifeng Liu and Paulo Ferreira. INL hosted two relevant events, the Horizon Europe BATT4EU Funding Opportunities event, and organised a workshop within the FUNLAYERS twinning EU project. INL researchers in the Energy field developed new solutions, ranging from proof-of-concept to prototype devices for energy conversion, such as photovoltaic and renewable gases technologies, and energy storage, namely rechargeable batteries and hydrogen. Here one can have a glimpse of the research highlights in this field: The LaNaSC research group used conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) tomography to investigate the impact of alkali-fluoride post-deposition treatments on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells. Their findings, published in Nature Energy, revealed that spatial inhomogeneities […]

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Abstract submission is now open for the 17th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials

Abstract submission is now open for the 17th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials

Abstract submission is now open for the 17th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, which will take place in Braga – Portugal, at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory between 29 September to October 2, 2024. Attending this unique conference offers numerous benefits for researchers, engineers, and professionals in various fields. It will provide a platform for experts to share the latest research findings, advancements, and best practices in the field of FGMs. Attending presentations and workshops will allow you to gain insights into cutting-edge technologies, methodologies, and applications. At the same time, it will bring together professionals, researchers, and industry leaders from around the world who share a common interest in FGMs. Networking with peers, colleagues, and potential collaborators can lead to valuable connections, partnerships, and collaborations. Engaging with fellow researchers and learning about groundbreaking research can reignite your passion for your work and drive further innovation. Abstract submissions for the 17th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials are now open and you have the opportunity to showcase your work and contribute to the upcoming conference. Contributions should only be submitted online. To facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow-up procedures, please consider the following information: + ELIGIBLE […]

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INL advances heavy metal detection in industrial wastewater

INL advances heavy metal detection in industrial wastewater

The advances in industrial modernisation are driving research towards the development of new sensors for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT), aiming to enhance efficiency, production rates, and quality standards. However, current solutions face technical limitations in accuracy, and adaptability to real-world conditions. The Next-Gen Quality Control (NGQC) IoRT project focuses on developing an automated monitoring system to detect heavy metals in industrial effluents. This ecosystem includes environmental monitoring, as well as wastewater. Pilot testing is currently underway at Stellantis in Mangualde, embracing the principles of Industry 4.0. The monitoring system is integrated into a wastewater treatment plant to understand its evolution and whether water quality limits are being exceeded. Raquel Queirós, staff researcher in the Water Quality Group, explains, “This system collects a small sample from the tank at the beginning and end of the process. This sample is then filtered to detect the presence of the heavy metals”. Samuel Silva, research fellow in the Water Quality research group, adds, “The developed electrochemical sensors have been optimised to detect nickel and zinc.” The prototype has integrated an algorithm that calculates and estimates the concentration of the heavy metals. “The system is able to […]

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What is it like to be a woman working in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) fields?

What is it like to be a woman working in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) fields?

In the realm of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), the contributions of women have historically been undervalued and underrepresented. However, as the landscape of these fields continues to evolve, so too does the role of women within them. At INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, we believe in fostering an inclusive environment where all voices are heard and celebrated. To gain insight into the experiences of women working in STEAM fields at INL, we reached out to some of our esteemed female researchers. Their perspectives shed light on the challenges they’ve faced, the triumphs they’ve achieved, and the evolving dynamics within their respective disciplines. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to innovative engineering solutions, these women are driving progress and shaping the future of STEAM. Join us as we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February, implemented by UNESCO and UN-Women and delve into the stories, insights, and aspirations of the remarkable women researchers at INL, highlighting their invaluable contributions and inspiring journeys in the world of STEAM. So… what is it like to be a woman working in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) fields? Alexandra TeixeiraAssociate • Medical DevicesIt means facing […]

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The magnetic world of quantum nanostructures

The magnetic world of quantum nanostructures

Over the last year, INL joined forces with Native Scientists as a partner in the educational programme “Cientista Regressa à Escola” (Scientist Returns to School). This social project, aimed at promoting scientific literacy, is truly unique and inspiring. Together, we have been able to strengthen the bond between scientists and children, inspiring the next generation and promoting equal opportunities. João Henriques, Junior Research Fellow in the Theory of Quantum Nanostructures group, visited the Escola Básica EB1/JI da Garapôa, and he described his school visit as “a wonderful experience fuelled by the genuine excitement of students eager to learn more about science”. João’s research is focused on theoretical studies of low dimensional materials, such as carbon based nanographenes. Nanographenes are fragments of graphene with unpaired electrons, which lead to magnetism. In a recently published study within the project PiMag, João Henriques and the team described the magnetic properties in these quantum nanostructures, and how it is possible to combine organic chemistry techniques to engineer new materials. The calculations provide a tuneable platform to explore quantum magnetism at the nanoscale, for potential quantum technology applications. João explains, “To explain this topic for 8-year-olds, I divided it into three parts. The first two highlighted the […]

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