Baterias 2030
Baterias 2030 – Batteries as a central element for urban sustainability | As baterias como elemento central para a sustentabilidade urbana

The decarbonisation of cities, based on the continuous replacement of fossil fuels and the progressive integration of renewable energy sources, emerges as fundamental to combat climate change.
The energy model of the future is based on the production of renewable energy and, being an intermittent source, there is a need for storage solutions. The storage solutions, for reasons of savings in distribution, will have to be done locally in the buildings themselves and integrated in smart micro grids. For all of this to happen, the role of batteries is central and poses numerous challenges.
It is in this context that the Baterias 2030 project arises, which aims contributing to the development of disruptive technologies that can be integrated into the entire value chain of the production, storage and sustainable energy management, with the aim of responding to challenges related to the decarbonization and dissemination of sustainable energy communities, in what is expected to be the cities of the future.
The project comprises 6 PPS (Process, Product, Service), 4 of which focus on technical scientific domains (PPS1 to PPS4), and the technologies that will result from them will be integrated and demonstrated in an urban space (PPS5), looking to establish an energy community, based on a low-carbon micro-network, promoting the substitution of fossil fuel consumption, and, thus, the reduction of CO2 in the urban space.
The project will be developed by a consortium of 14 companies, led by DST Solar, capable of enhancing the results expected in each PPS, but also by 9 research entities that hold scientific knowledge with high added value in the energy field, able to achieve the project objectives.
The Batteries 2030 project aims to contribute to the development of disruptive technologies, which can be integrated throughout the value chain, with state-of-art solutions. Indeed, Batteries 2030 leverages science and technology around the theme of production, storage and sustainable energy management.
Total Eligible Budget
8,142,180.35 €
INL Eligible Budget
948,389.39 €
Total Funding
5,324,146.20 €
INL Funding
711,292.04 €
Start Date
End Date
Type of action
SI – Programas Mobilizadores
Grant Agreement Id
Funding Agency
Funding Framework
INL Role
Approval Date
Intervention Region
Lisbon, Center and North of Portugal
Main Objective