Bioeconomia Azul
Pacto de Inovação da Bioeconomia Azul

Defending a new sustainable, innovative, and decarbonizing paradigm, which finds in the sea an answer to the challenge of global land resource scarcity and brings together various national industries, the "Pacto Bieconomia Azul" aims to develop new products, processes, and services resulting from the incorporation of blue bioeconomy assets into new or existing value chains, with a positive impact on the environment, consumers' lives, and national exports. It will invest in 7 sectors through: the application of biomaterials; a new paradigm for bivalve production; marine-based textiles; sustainability in the food sector; increased algae production; circular food solutions; bioinformatics for the fisheries sector, and in 3 cross-cutting initiatives aimed at accelerating the development and commercialization of products and services in the sector – the Portuguese Blue Biobanks network, a digital platform for the valorization of marine co-products, and in promoting the growth and internationalization of companies and SMEs.
In this way, the planned investment aims to: (i) Boost the development of a cutting-edge industrial economic sector based on the application of marine biore sources to multiple industries; (ii) Be the first major demonstration of the cross-cutting and ecological potential of marine biotechnology solutions; (iii) Contribute to positioning Portugal in the global context as a pioneer in a sector estimated to reach €200 billion globally by 2030; (iv) Realize the significant growth and innovation opportunity for marine industries (aquaculture, fisheries, canning) and the differentiation of traditional Portuguese industries that are currently distant from the sea (textile, cork, fertilizers, human health).
Click here to see the Project Sheet
Total Eligible Budget
133,084,957.80 €
INL Eligible Budget
771,721.36 €
Total Funding
93,838,407.60 €
INL Funding
771,721.36 €
Start Date
End Date
Grant Agreement Id
Funding Framework
INL Role
Approval Date