Insect-Brain inspired Neuromorphic Nanophotonics

The original project InsectNeuroNano propose nanophotonic on-chip devices for integrated sensing and neural computation, inspired by the insect brain. Central in this is the availability of highly efficient and multifunctional nano-optoelectronic components and light guiding concepts that can implement the insect inspired neuromorphic circuits. To significantly expand capabilities of the original project consortium in these key technology enablers, the widening partner, INL, adds a novel nano-optoelectronic platform of biomimicking excitable neurons as well as new 2D and 3D optical interconnect concepts. This will substantially impact the ambition and probability for success in all four scientific/technological objectives of the original project. The added III-V nanopillar neural nodes will for the first time combine three main functions in a single component: spike computation, memory and light connectivity. Spike signalling allow a substantial decrease in energy expenditure compared to the original concepts with massive data parallelism potential. Adding memristive functionality to the excitable neurons as well as directly embedding optical dyes in 3D polymer waveguide interconnects present totally new memory technologies in the project. The nanopillar arrays with built-in neural computation are highly relevant to mimic sensing of the insect eye. The added platform and concepts are fully compatible with the technologies of the other partners with industry standard Si substrates. The excellent fabrication and theoretical competences of the widening partner, including important recent work on spiking photonic devices and regenerative memories, will both scientifically lift the project as well as impact upscaling and commercialization. For INL, entering InsectNeuroNano will strongly accelerate its recent efforts in neuromorphic computing with access to leaders in insect neurobiology informatics, III-V semiconductors and organic dyes in a strong European partnership.
Total Eligible Budget
549,688.00 €
INL Eligible Budget
499,813.00 €
Total Funding
549,688.00 €
INL Funding
499,813.00 €
Start Date
End Date
Grant Agreement Id
Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (WIDERA)
Funding Framework
INL Role
Approval Date
Main Objective