MAterials solutions for cost Reduction and Extended service life on WIND off-shore facilities

MAREWIND addresses the main aspects related with materials durability and maintenance in offshore structures which consequently suppose failures, misfunctioning, loss of efficiency in energy generation and which have a major repercussion in O&M costs and capital costs. With the combined forces of key-players in the current value chain of wind energy, MAREWIND cover a set of ambitious targets focused on: (1) enhancing corrosion protection systems and durability, (2) effective and durable antifouling solutions without using biocides, (3) erosion protection and mechanical reinforcement in wind blades, (4) predictive modelling and monitoring and (5) increasing recyclability.
These objectives will be developed considering three main pillars addressing all those aspects related with (a) Scalable manufacturing technologies, (b) Safer-by-design materials avoiding environmental concerns and (c) standardisation aspects for effective European deployment of marketable and usable technologies.
Consortium Partners and core business are one of the strongest points of MAREWIND. Technological and scientific partners (LUREDERRA, TWI, CETMA, INEGI, IDENER and INL) are experts on main areas of materials and technologies to be improved: coatings, concrete, composites, monitoring and predictive methods, thus the initial TRL 4 is assured. Companies involved cover the whole value chain on offshore wind and therefore will validate prototypes, results and costs along the project under accelerated testing and real environment. TECNAN will produce at industrial scale coatings, TSF will produce coated fastening elements, EIRE will produce prototypes of wind blades, ACCIONA will produce concrete prototypes, KOSHKIL will provide validation in maintenance, NAVAL as leading in floating will validate materials and assess repercussions in designs and EDF as operator of offshore renewables will provide data, real offshore locations for testing and costs models for final validation of technologies.
Total Eligible Budget
6,706,969.63 €
INL Eligible Budget
354,375.00 €
Total Funding
7,953,783.75 €
INL Funding
354,375.00 €
Start Date
End Date
Type of action
IA Innovation action
Grant Agreement Id
NMBP – Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
Funding Framework
INL Role
Approval Date
Main Objective