Transferencia y valorización de nanotecnologías a PYMES innovadoras (early adopters) de la Eurorregión
NANOEATERS is a network of Research Centers created with the objective of supporting Euroregional “early adopters” companies in the application of new nanotechnology-based solutions. Companies, Universities and Technology Centers will work together with INL in the definition of new nano-based commercially available products and /or services. The technologies targeted by the project will offer effective responses to the weaknesses detected in the cross border Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) Galicia – Northern Portugal, contributing to major social challenges as Health, Environmental Monitoring, Food Safety, Energy Efficiency or Industry 4.0.
Project mission:
Encourage synergic cooperation between crossborder RTD centers and universities; Improve the connection between RTD centers and companies so that RTD results can be commercially exploited; and increase private investment in Research and Innovation.
Project activities:
1 – NanoEaters Community Building;
2 – NanoEaters Use Cases: Development of 10 nanotechnology based “Use Cases” based on the synergic cooperation among INL, universities and RTD Centers from Galicia, allowing the development of TRL 3-4 nanotechnologies to TRL 7-8;
3 – Call For Experiments: 22 Experiments proposed by SMEs will be selected for the development of new nanotechnology-based products, services and / or markets;
4 – Experiments development: Technological and Business Support will be given to SMEs during the execution of their proposed experiments, enabling the commercial exploitation of the RTD results through an Acceleration Program.
Total Eligible Budget
4,255,750.68 €
INL Eligible Budget
1,471,852.34 €
INL Funding
1,103,889.25 €
Start Date
End Date
Grant Agreement Id
Funding Framework
INL Role
Approval Date