INL Cluster

PRODUTECH R3 - Recovery-Resilience-Reindustrialization – Mobilizing Agenda for Reindustrialization of Production Technologies Cluster

The PRODUTECH R3 project aims to bring about a structural change in the Production Technologies Sector (FTP), enabling it to capitalize on the significant investments that the industry will make in the green and digital transition, reducing external technological dependence, increasing the value added generated in the country, and contributing to a change in the specialization of the Portuguese economy.

Built on a partnership that includes 108 companies and other entities from the FTP, major industrial sectors, and the scientific and technological system, the project envisages the collaborative development of 85 new innovative products and services and their demonstration in more than 52 pilots in user sector companies. It also includes the development of complementary actions in the areas of education and training, internationalization, dissemination, and capacity building for the FTP, inducing structural change and creating a dynamic and sustainable innovation ecosystem in the field of production technologies.

The PRODUTECH R3 Innovation Pact presents itself as a strategic and integrated initiative, composed of a set of programs aimed at:

  1. Industry Transformation, realizing the development and transfer of R&D and its transformation into new products and services (particularly production technologies), empowering and supporting companies in this sector in associated innovation processes. It also supports user sector companies in the adoption and internalization of these new technologies in their production systems, contributing to competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience.

  2. Industry Qualification for Resilience, Growth, and Innovation.

  3. Capacity building and Professional Training in Innovative Production Technologies, thus supporting the desired transformation.

  4. Internationalization of companies.

  5. Extensive promotion and dissemination of the Pact and its results.

This approach aims to take advantage of the cross-cutting nature of production technologies and cross-fertilization processes, leveraging the positioning of companies in the production technology sector and promoting spillover effects across the entire national economic fabric.

The Innovation Pact is structured into 15 transformative programs, grouped into 5 areas (A – Customization of products and local production; B – Adaptive, collaborative, and competitive production; C – Interoperable, intelligent, and autonomous production systems; D – New technologies for the production and use of advanced materials; E – Resource efficiency and direct integration of renewable energies into production processes) aimed at developing new products and services for industry through collaboration between FTP companies, user sector companies, and ENESIIs. These programs are designed to promote synergies in technological development and applicability across a wide range of user sectors. PRODUTECH R3 also consists of 3 horizontal programs focused on related complementary areas, such as capacity building and training, internationalization, and qualification, as well as 2 support programs aimed at the broad dissemination of the initiative and its results, as well as overall agenda management and coordination.

Within this Agenda, INL will contribute to the development of new sensors for the characterization of NG+H2 gas mixtures and for the characterization of industrial gas effluents.

Click here to see the Project Sheet

Total Eligible Budget

166,988,013.71 €

INL Eligible Budget

674,995.94 €

Total Funding

97,111,730.27 €

INL Funding

674,995.94 €

Start Date


End Date


Grant Agreement Id


Funding Framework


INL Role


Approval Date
