CTBio – Crossborder Biotech Cluster closing event at INL
June 27, 2023
The closing session of the CTBio – Cross-Border Biotechnology Cluster project took place, this week, at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.
All the partners – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Cluster Tecnoloxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida (BIOGA), Consorcio de La Zona Franca de Vigo, Universidade do Minho (UMinho), and INL – Laboratorio Iberico Internacional de Nanotecnologia met and showcased all the impressive outcomes of the project.
During the working months, the team involved in the project was able to create three sectorial hybridization workshops for the design and development of new business methods based on the synergies of different sectors of the Euroregion in addition to 22 biotech projects and SMEs advised, through the hybridization between the strategic, technological and biotech sectors of the Euroregion.
The CTBio – Cross-Border Biotechnology Cluster project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund FEDER through the Interreg Spain – Portugal program (POCTEP) and sought to reinforce the positioning of this CTBio Cluster as a reference structure for the business dynamization of the biotech sector in the Euroregion, while increasing its scope of action and laying the foundations for the future creation of the Iberian Cross-Border Biotechnology Pole.