FUNLAYERS twinning EU project kicks off with a workshop
February 2, 2023
The Functional Layered Materials for Advanced Applications – FUNLAYERS project consists of a twinning initiative aimed to propel INL’s research excellence in the field of layered materials whilst unfolding its tremendous potential applications for energy storage and spintronics in partnership with two world-class European institutions at the forefront of material science – Consortium for the Construction, Equipping and Exploitation of the Synchrotron Light Source (ALBA-CELLS) and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (MPG).
The project kicked off last week in Braga – Portugal, under the coordination of INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory together with the other ALBA-CELLS and Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (MPG) teams. The event was a hybrid event, in which the consortium met and discussed the challenges and strategies for the project and how we will work together to strengthen our research in the field of layered materials, capturing future opportunities for joint collaborations in R&I.
During three days FUNLAYERS team organised a workshop and the main goal was to strengthen both the research and the institutional capabilities of INL in the area of Functional Layered Materials and at the same time provide a diagnosis of INL capabilities in two different components – scientific and research management.
On the last day, we were also able to listen to Professor Dr Stuart Parkin – Director of the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany, and an Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg giving an inspiring talk about his path and work. We heard all about his research interests and the latest developments on spintronic materials and devices for advanced sensors, memory, and logic applications, oxide thin-film heterostructures, topological metals, exotic superconductors, and cognitive devices.
New updates will be shared on the FUNLAYERS website: www.funlayersproject.eu