Battery Summit 2021: Iberian Landscape in Batteries
March 10, 2021
Pedro Salomé, Research Group Leader INL and Guest Professor Universidade de Aveiro and INL’s Scientific Leader of “Baterias 2030 Mobilizador “
In the western tip of Europe, one finds Portugal and Spain, two countries with a past rich in moments of exploration, curiosity, and discovery. What was at the time, the edge of the known world, is nowadays a prime location for a hub connecting Europe to the Americas and Africa, only further facilitated by the world-class infrastructure in terms of shipping and road networks, present in both countries.
The region is blessed with certain natural resources, namely a vast stock of renewable energy, in particular wind and solar, where both countries rank in the top 10 countries of wind electricity production per capita and in the top 20 on installed solar photovoltaic capacity per capita. Such efforts to renewable energy have yet to reach their apex, as there is still a large expanse of untapped capacity. There are no doubts that throughout the globe, renewable energy will be a cornerstone of the future energy paradigm due to its decentralized nature, versatility and increased resilience against major unexpected issues. However, the local and grid-level energy storage systems, necessary to deal with the discrepancy between production and consumption, are still in their infancy. This necessity synergises well with the challenges that the automotive industry is currently facing. Thusly, in conjunction with several Portuguese and Spanish automotive manufacturing plants, there is a major demand, but also investment potential, for batteries both in terms of current usage and in the manufacturing of very high-added-value products for exports.
With the aforementioned resources, a highly skilled workforce, state-of-the-art research and development provided by world-known academic institutions, and an integrated electrical market (MIBEL), it is clear that energy storage and in particular batteries is a key-technology for the region’s economic future. As of today, battery production is limited in terms of productions numbers and in the incorporation of domestic technology, but with the presented arguments, there is an outstanding opportunity for both countries to cooperate and establish a competitive battery value-chain industrial capability. In the first stage, such opportunity will be driven both by domestic vehicle production and by electrical grid support systems.
At a later stage, with its own development in terms of manufacturing and technology, the export of batteries and equipment will be an opportunity.
At Battery Summit 2021we will approach the Iberian Landscape in Batteries and how Spain and Portugal have become a key area for Europe to make the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The goal is to convert these two countries into a self-sufficient area that can generate efficient, innovative, cost-effective batteries that can be applied not only to energy but also to mobility.
Learn how we are already building this new future. Competitive sustainability is necessary for green transport, clean energy and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Join us on 22-23 March 2021. It’s a FREE Online Event!