INL hosted Spinograph Kick-off meeting and 1st Spinograph School
April 7, 2014
INL hosted the kick-off meeting for the Spinograph – Spintronics in Graphene project, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) providing state-of-the-art training for early-stage researchers (ESR) and Experienced Researchers (ER) in the field of Spintronics in Graphene. Seven partners from academia, including Nobel laureate Albert Fert, one of the discoverers of giant magnetoresistance, and three from the industry gathered in Braga (Portugal) to launch the 3,9M€ Project funded by the E.U. Marie Curie Actions and coordinated by INL.
The kick-off meeting was followed by the first Spinograph School, providing training to the researchers hired through Spinograph as well as to a limited number of external students. Over 20 young researchers had the opportunity to attend lectures and interact with different experts in the fields of spintronics and graphene, coming from top research groups in US, UK, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Portugal.
The topics included introductions to the electronic properties of graphene and graphene bilayers, and spin and pseudospin physics in graphene, the theory of Magnetism in graphene edges and defects, experimental techniques to probe magnetism and spin transport in graphene, Spin Hall physics as well as the properties of other two dimensional crystals.