INL presents results of ARMA4VESPA Project in a Scientific Conference
May 21, 2019
INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory will announce, on May 24, at 14h00, the results of the ARMA4VESPA Project, to combat the vespa velutina – better known as the Asian wasp – one of the biggest threats to bees and the production of honey.
The announcement will be made during a scientific conference, in which INL researchers will share experiences with colleagues from other Portuguese and Spanish research institutions, since fighting this invasive species is also a priority at Iberian level.
The project carried out in collaboration with APICAVE – Association of Beekeepers of Cávado and Ave, TECMINHO – University Association – Company for Development, and FNAP – National Federation of Beekeepers, under the Portuguese National Apiculture Program, was funded by Measure 6 (Investment and Development), of the Institute of Funding for Agriculture and Fisheries – Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture and Sea.
The main objective of the ARM4VESPA was the development of a selective trap for the Asian wasp, which may be effective in destroying its nests. The first results are promising and open the way for the next testing stage in a controlled environment, in order to produce a selective trap approved for use in Portugal and other European countries.
The conference, which will begin at 14h00, in the INL Auditorium and will be attended by experts from INL, APICAVE, University of Minho, the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, and the University of Vigo (Spain).