INL project presented during EU Open Days Week in Brussels
November 23, 2012
The INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory project was presented during this year’s EU Open Days seminars, by its director-general, José Rivas, included in the panel «Cross-border cooperation boosts innovation», this month (October), in Brussels.
The main objective of the project was building a centre of excellence in applied nanotechnology research, with a positive impact in the region’s competitiveness, promotions of qualified employment, creations of companies, but also in the development of the relational model Administration/INL/Company/University.
The project submitted by INL comprised the construction of competitive scientific infrastructures, with the objective to attract top researchers in the field of nanotechnology.
The installation of the facilities in the North of Portugal, more precisely in Braga, favoured the development of methodologies that enhance an ecosystem of spin-offs, as well as the integration of the INL in Networks of knowledge.
The region benefits now from a competitive technological infrastructure, on an international level, increasing the regional competitiveness of companies, universities and technological centres.
The construction of the INL facility was co-financed in 30 million euros, by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Spain Portugal 2007-2013, through the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) .
The INL project falls under Priority Axis I «Strengthen Competitiveness and Promoting Employment» and has Pluri-Regional nature within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme.
Photo: José Rivas, director-general, at the EU Open Days seminars, during the 10th European Week of Regions and Cities – credit: European Union/Scorpix.