INL project presented in Mexico during NanoMex’10
November 26, 2010
In pursue of INL’s outreach program, Jose Rivas, Director General (DG) of the INL, attended the“Simposio: Nanociencias y Nanotecnología” at UAM in Mexico City, 15-16 November and the NanoMex’10 which is the Third International and Interdisciplinary Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Meeting, organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in Cuernavaca City (Morelos) 17-19 November. In this meeting, the DG of the INL made the most of the encounters to present the INL and to contact leading important Mexican scientists in the field of Nanotechnology.
The goal of NanoMex’10 is to stimulate high-quality interdisciplinary dialogue on the advance, promises and implications of nanoscience and nanotechnology in order to enrich the national decision-making concerning the distribution of benefits, maximization and definition of responsibilities and, the minimization of unnecessary and unwanted costs.
It is an initiative nano-UNAM, a group initially formed by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities, the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, the Center for Applied Sciences and Technological Development and the Environmental Nanotechnology University Program. Since 2009, nanoUNAM is conformed by 11 UNAM’s entities and a research university program.