INL supports Reflection Paper on “The role of materials in the post-covid society”

September 28, 2020


The Alliance for Materials – EUMAT, that INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory is part of, issued a Reflection Paper addressing the relevance of new materials in a future shaped by COVID-19, pointing out what must be the priorities in strategic research and innovation activities and addressed it to the European Union institutions and member-states.

Crises also create opportunities for re-directing our European R&D&I efforts. The Materials community supports the efforts towards the European Green Deal and the EU enhancements in digitalisation, Science and Technology integrating Education, and it offers a variety of solutions to overcome social, societal and economic challenges that stem from or have been enhanced by the pandemic.

The document is aligned with the Green Deal strategy announced by the European Commission and provides a clear roadmap for the contribution that the actors in the field of materials must play after the pandemic, namely to secure the decarbonization of energy sources and provide resilience against future emergencies.

The full document can be found here.