KETmaritime Final Event: Transfer of Key Enabling Technologies to the Maritime Industries
October 23, 2020
For the last three years, the KETmaritime project consortium has been committed to creating a raising awareness about Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and exploring their real potential application in the maritime industry to meet their needs and demands.
To celebrate the end and explore the outcomes of the projects, we invite you to join the 10th edition of Business2Sea* in a session where we will share the main outputs and our vision about KETs in the maritime sector beyond the project.
Business2Sea is an international event that will host its first virtual edition on November 16 – 20, promoting a diverse programme that addresses the Blue Economy and the European Green Deals main topics, gathering blue stakeholders from around the World.
Participation in the KETmaritime final event is free upon registration in the event Business2SeaDigital.
+ Access to KETmaritime session here