NMP-Reg Interreg Project opens debate on Industrial Modernization in Italy
January 8, 2019
INL participated in Interreg Project, NMP-Reg Interreg is promoting a workshop on “Industrial Modernization and Interregional Cooperation, next March 19th, in Florence, Italy.
This event is one more initiative within this project, closing phase 1, and aiming to deliver Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production to REGional manufacturing. The agenda will be available soon. The NMP-Reg Interreg Project integrates seven partners from five EU regions (Italy, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Romania). The North of Portugal is represented by INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory and CCDR-N – Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission. Its objective is to take nanotechnologies and new materials to regional manufacturing and generate opportunities to innovate by exchanging experiences and good practices.