PhD Fellowship Opportunities
February 14, 2018
Collaborative Research Project
INL is proud to be part of the AIM PhD Program, in which we partner with INESC-MN, INESC-ID, ITQB Nova, Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, and Research Institute for Medicines and Pharmaceutical Sciences to provide interdisciplinary advanced training.
The doctoral degrees are awarded by the Universidade de Lisboa and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, dependent on the collaboration partner. The research will take place in the laboratories of the team institutions in Lisbon and at INL, Braga, with stays in Portuguese and International Associate Partner Laboratories in Academia and Industry.
The collaborative research project proposals with a research stay at the INL Laboratories are the following:
Project 2: Advanced Microfabrication and NMR Electronic Instrumentation Development
Project 11: Septicemia detection using graphene transistors integrated in a microfluidic platform
Project 12: Thin-film silicon nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) for sensing
Project 15: Biosensor integrated cell culture systems for monitoring biological responses
Project 16: Integrated optical spectroscopy device for fruit growth monitoring
Project 19: Advanced microsystems to study intracellular pattern formation
Project 20: Biomimetic micro-patterned surfaces for 3D complete human skin growing for bioassays
Applications are open until March 31th. Apply here.