Researchers from INL visited EB2/3 André Soares as part of the incluIR project
July 11, 2023

INL researchers visited, yesterday, the EB2/3 André Soares school, starting a new partnership with the Municipality of Braga within the scope of the ‘incluIR’ project. 7 researchers from different research areas were involved in the activity. ‘incluIR’ is an inclusive holidays project that allows children and adolescents to participate in educational activities, mitigating social and economic differences. During the months of July and August, participants take part in unusual activities, interacting with stimulating experiences and realities, which reinforce the importance of education through Art, Culture and Science.
Carla Sepúlveda, Councilwoman for Education, Innovation, and Social Cohesion at the Municipality of Braga, remarked that “’incluIR’, besides its inclusive and integrative aspect, also has a very strong collaborative sphere. It is only possible to offer a program with quality activities based on partnerships with the various structures of the city/county.” She also added that “the partnership with INL arises from the intention of involving an important and fundamental structure for the territory in a project that promotes inclusion. Our goal is to bring to the school and to the vacation program the best that the city has to offer. We believe that an Educating City is the union of efforts and synergies between the various local structures.”
For Catarina Moura, science communicator at INL, “it fills me with immense pride to partner with the Municipality of Braga in such a remarkable project. ‘incluIR’ is dedicated to promoting social inclusion, encompassing various activities such as theatre, visual arts, sports, and now, during this Summer, science has become an integral part of it. Our aim is to foster the participation of all children in the realm of science, and it has been truly fantastic to be involved in these activities”.
Enriched and enriching, INL researchers bring Science to the forefront, filling the spaces and hours, usually empty, of children’s holidays. We present knowledge as an everyday presence, accommodating what is normally experienced as distant and difficult. Curiosity and emotion emerge as vital forces, transforming more demanding realities into more fun and enriching summer days.