INL hosted the 1st Tech@Week dedicated to ‘Industry 4.0’ and the ‘Green Transition’
July 13, 2022
INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory hosted the first Tech@Week dedicated to ‘Industry 4.0’ and the ‘Green Transition’, an event promoted by ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação.
During the first session of the Tech@Week powered by Tech4Innov discussions revolved around ‘Industry 4.0’, its main trends and challenges and how they are challenging and revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, how they are improving and distributing their products by integrating new technologies and including the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, analytics, and AI and machine learning into their production facilities and throughout their operations.
Participants were also able to attend the Green Disruption Summit 2022, an event that brought together technological StartUps in the areas of cleantech, green economy, sustainable mobility, zero emissions and climate change and addressed topics such as energy, transport and agri-food. This session was by INTEC – European Foundation for Innovation and Technology under the framework of the project HIBA.
During the event, it was also possible to participate in the Tech@Week Demo Session, a showcase of demonstrators of the technologies being developed within Project Baterias 2030, a set of demos covering ICT-based solutions for cognitive vitality training, lightweight electronics by Injection Molding in Seamless Architecture, autonomous systems to harvest raspberry, based on artificial intelligence and robotics, and others and network with various entities: INESC-TEC, Beeverycreative, Instituto Telecomunicações, Simoldes, DTX Colab, CEiiA, University of Minho, CELOPLAS, BOSCH, CENTI, IPN, CTCV, Viridius.
Tech@Weeks is an initiative promoted and organized by ANI that aims to bring together, for a week in the upcoming months, the main actors of the national innovation system to promote empowering debates showcasing technology, innovation and effective results and are being promoted within the scope of SIAC – Knowledge Transfer Initiative, an initiative co-financed by Compete 2020, through Portugal 2020 and the European Regional Development Fund.