Total Nano-Safe Hybrid Conference: strengthening research and innovation potential in nanosafety
November 16, 2021
Last week, 11-12 of November, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory organized the first ‘Total-Nanosafe’ Hybrid Conference under the scope of the SiNfONiA Project, designed to catalyse and maximise the impact of the ERA Chair on the scientific and research excellence of INL.
During two full days, we’ve brought together experts in different fields related to the use of nanomaterials, nanotechnology and how these are related to different aspects of safety, regarding health and the environment. What came across strongly during these two intense days of presentations and discussions is the will to boost RTD activities in the nanosafety arena and strengthen its research and innovation potential. It was highlighted that bringing to market technology that is safe and trusted by the end-users and consumers is a fundamental necessity and the foundation for all current and future deployment and acceptance of nanotechnology.
We’ve reached 130 registered attendees – 90+ attendees online and 30+ attendees on-site, 16+ hours of discussions, 3 keynotes, 18 speakers, but it was not only a question of numbers that made the conference so successful: it was the general enthusiasm that was constantly present during the 2 days as well as the level of engagement of all speakers and participants showed.