INL raises €3M under the H2020 Widening Program
March 30, 2020
Portugal raised 34 million euros in European funding, with 22 projects approved in the ‘Twinning’ and ‘ERA Chairs’ contests under the ‘Widening’ program; an outstanding success rate of 32%, according to the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, led by Manuel Heitor.
INL is part of the research centres that contributed to these numbers, with the ‘ERA Chair’ Sinfonia, that started in 2019, and the recently approved ‘Twinning’ TrustEat.
The overall aim of the SiNfONiA project is to boost RTD activities in the Nanosafety arena and strengthen the research and innovation potential of INL.
The deployment and articulation of nanotechnology are the core missions of INL, making the ability to attract high-profile expertise in nanosafety of paramount importance for sustainable development, both internally at INL and of external academic and industrial partnerships.
Twinning | TrustEat
By linking two of the best leading institutions in Blockchain Technologies (IBM Research) and AgriFood Research (Wageningen University & Research) together with INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, the project aims at fostering a new paradigm in Food Integrity based on the connection of food value chains with Blockchain Technologies through a set of tailored sensors, materials and methods.
More information will be available soon.