INL Researcher awarded with IAAM Scientist Medal
September 13, 2018
Oleksandr Bondarchuk, INL Facility Manager (PhD) at the Department of Advanced Electron Microscopy, Imaging and Spectroscopy (AEMIS), received the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Scientist Medal, at its 20th Award Ceremony of the European Advanced Materials Congress, recently held in Stockholm, Sweden.
The distinction was given to Oleksandr Bondarchuk for his research on “Materials for Electrical Energy Storage: ionic liquid thin films on HOPG and VN surfaces”.
The jury considered this work relevant due to the increasing global demand for better alternatives to fossil fuels, leading to research on more effective, affordable and environmentally friendly energy storage technologies, which are one of the main lines of research at INL, proving that nanotechnology plays a relevant role in offering better and more efficient solutions for today’s energy needs while preserving the planet for future generations.