MAREWIND project launched this week
January 15, 2021
Image by Grant Durr, Unsplash
The H2020-EU.2.1.3. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Advanced materials project MAREWIND started officially on December 1st. 2020 and its kickoff meeting occurred this week on January 13th.
MAREWIND is coordinated by L’urederra, Fundación para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Y Social and INL participate with activities from the Nanochemistry Research Group – Yury Kolen’ko and Juliana Sousa. The project addresses the main aspects related with materials durability and maintenance in offshore structures which consequently suppose failures, misfunctioning, loss of efficiency in energy generation and which have a major repercussion in O&M costs and capital costs. With the combined forces of key-players in the current value chain of wind energy.
The consortium partners and core business are one of the strongest points of MAREWIND. Technological and scientific partners (LUREDERRA, TWI, CETMA, INEGI, IDENER and INL) are experts on main areas of materials and technologies to be improved: coatings, concrete, composites, monitoring and predictive methods.
Companies involved cover the whole value chain on offshore wind and therefore will validate prototypes, results and costs along with the project under accelerated testing and real environment. TECNAN will produce at industrial scale coatings, TSF will produce coated fastening elements, EIRE will produce prototypes of wind blades, ACCIONA will produce concrete prototypes, KOSHKIL will provide validation in maintenance, NAVAL as leading in floating will validate materials and assess repercussions in designs and EDF as the operator of offshore renewables will provide data, real offshore locations for testing and costs models for final validation of technologies.
The next generation of large offshore wind energy generators and tidal power generators will help to reach climate goals and CO2 reduction levels and are likely to secure Europe’s technical and economic competitiveness.
The challenge is, therefore, to improve the operational performance of the next generation of offshore wind energy generators and tidal stream power generators through the better performance of their functional and/or structural components.