Lars Montelius at IndTech2022 presenting the Materials 2030 Roadmap
July 4, 2022
The Director-General of INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Lars Montelius presented last week, at IndTech 2022, the Materials 2030 Roadmap, during the Plenary session: Systemic Approach for Advanced Materials: 2030 Perspective chaired by Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment.
After a general presentation of the initiative by INL DG Lars Montelius ( INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory is one of the signatories of the Materials 2030 Manifesto) the representatives of the 4 technology platforms also involved in the initiative pointed out the expected benefits of uniting all the advanced materials stakeholders in one main goal and objectives.
For Lars Montelius, it was a real pleasure to present the Materials 2030 Roadmap, such an inclusive project. A great set of activities are being developed and we are already working together to present new developments in the near future.
On 7 February 2022, a Materials 2030 Manifesto was presented by high-level representatives from European research institutes and industries to Commissioner Gabriel. It stressed the importance of the EU’s technology leadership, strategic autonomy and the role of advanced materials. It invites stakeholders to combine more closely upstream research with industry-driven applications in innovation markets.
Building on the vision of the Materials 2030 Manifesto, on 22 June, the ‘Materials 2030 Roadmap’ was published. The goal of this Roadmap is to pave the way for the engagement of all advanced materials stakeholders and co-create the European materials agenda with R&I stakeholders and the proposed next steps towards a structured Materials 2030 initiative will be discussed during the upcoming IndTech2022 conference.