Nano World Cancer Day 2016 Open Press Conference at INL Feb 2nd
January 25, 2016
The INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory hosted Portugal’s Nano World Cancer Day 2016 event in Braga, February 2nd.
The Nano World Cancer Day 2016 is a pan-European event organized in the framework of the World Cancer Day (February 4th). It aims to amplify awareness about Nanomedicine and its ability to introduce new opportunities and game-changers in the fight against cancer. It is achieved through simultaneous press conferences in 12 countries across Europe.
Attending the Nano World Cancer Day press conferences is a chance to discover the profile of changes and progress that Nanomedicine is bringing to healthcare.
Organized by INL under the aegis of ETPN – the European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine and with the collaboration of GAIN- Axencia Galega de Innovación, CCDR-N – Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, and Health Cluster Portugal, the Conference will be open to both journalists and the public (Registration is free but limited to availability).
Please register here:
•9h00-9h30 – Registration and Networking Coffee.
•9h30-9h45 – Prof. Lars Montelius, Director General of the INL. “Welcome from INL’s DG”
•9h45-10h00 – Dr. Lorena Diéguez, Researcher, INL, ETPN representative. “Nanomedicine at INL and presentation of ETPN”
•10h00-10h15 – Dr. Patrícia Gomes, Portuguese Cancer Patients Association–Center of the Northern Region (Liga Portuguesa contra o Cancro – Núcleo Regional do Norte), Portugal. “Oncological experiences: the perspective of the psychologist”
•10h15-10h30 – Dr. Sonia Martínez Arca, Director of Innovation and Public Health Management, Galician Health Service, SERGAS, Spain. “inNANOvation in the Galician Public Health System”
•10h30-10h45 – Prof. Luis Costa, Oncologist, Professor of Medicine at the Lisbon Medical School–University of Lisbon, Director of the Oncology Division, Hospital de Santa Maria and head of the Clinical Translational Oncology Research Unit at IMM, Lisbon, Portugal. “Nanomedicine in Cancer: what we can offer so far”
•10h45-11h00 – Dr. Juan Ruiz, Oncologist, Translational Medical Oncology; Health Research Institute of Santiago (IDIS), SERGAS, Spain. “The role of nanotechnology on the clinical practice of the oncologist physician”
•11h00-11h15 – Dr. Cristina Martins, Researcher in Biomaterials, INEB – Institute for Biomedical Engineering, I3S – Institute of Research and Innovation in Health, Portugal, “Bioengineered biomaterials to fight Helicobacter pylori infection and prevent gastric cancer”
•11h15-11h30 – Prof. Nuno Miranda, National Coordinator of the Program in Oncological Diseases, General Administration of Public Health, Portugal
•11h30-12h00 – Discussion