INL creates Research and Technology Development hub in Hong Kong

INL creates Research and Technology Development hub in Hong Kong

INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory and ASTRI, a governmentally funded Hong Kong Research and Technology Organization, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which allows INL to install a research hub dedicated to Nanotechnology in this Chinese territory, and provide INL customers with easier access to the Chinese market. Following the Signature Ceremony, this Friday 2nd. Of March, in Hong Kong, INL General Director, Professor Lars Montelius, underlined the relevance of this agreement for “INL growth strategy which includes the establishment of an INL Network made of hubs and regional memberships” also stressing “the importance of international collaborations and joining forces in order to be able to address the large societal questions of today taking advantage of the possibilities opened by Nanotechnology. This is, in fact, the primary reason for the hubs and networks INL is creating across the globe”. Over the last two years, INL established eight regional representations in Scandinavia, Brussels, Israel, Dubai, Shanghai, Austin, Boston, and now Hong Kong, where it was created the “INL – ASTRI Innovation Laboratory”. The MoU now signed with ASTRI gives INL access to the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, where several other international companies are located, creating the chance […]

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BIO2SKIN, presented by INL, among the nine winners of CÓDIGOMÁIS INNOVATION PRIZE

BIO2SKIN, presented by INL, among the nine winners of CÓDIGOMÁIS INNOVATION PRIZE

Under the framework of CÓDIGOMÁIS, nine innovative projects in the field of Health and Ageing were selected to be supported in their valorisation and transfer to the market. BIO2SKIN, the project presented by INL, is part of the group now entitled to the prize of fifty thousand euros (€50,000.00) in-kind contribution, to be used in services related with the implementation of the Project. BIO2SKIN will also benefit from mentoring sessions for business development, and access to a web marketplace. The CÓDIGOMAIS – A New Innovation Ecosystem in Health for Galicia and North of Portugal is a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020. It aims at fostering the creation of a cross-border innovation ecosystem in the area of cooperation Galicia-North of Portugal, open to all key regional stakeholders and with a strong international orientation. Nine partners from across North of Portugal and Galicia are working together to increase the market-oriented RTD in health, to promote the information flow on the needs and demand of technological solutions within the cooperation area and to foster cooperation between research centres, regional administration, companies and end-users. The initiative is led by ACIS – […]

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Science Advances Journal: “Probing quantum coherence in single-atom electron spin resonance”

Science Advances Journal: “Probing quantum coherence in single-atom electron spin resonance”

A team of scientist from the IBM Research Lab at Almaden (San Jose, USA), the IBS-QNS -Institute for Basic Science, Center for Quantum Nanoscience (Seoul, Korea) and the INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (Braga, Portugal), has been able to carry out a magnetic resonance experiment that probes an individual magnetic atom. This experiment permits them to examine, at the atomic scale, “quantum coherence”, an essential resource in the so-called quantum technologies. Magnetic resonance is a technique that permits to obtain information about biological tissues from the measurement of the magnetic behaviour of atomic nuclei. In a conventional magnetic resonance measurement, such as those carried out at hospitals, it is necessary to integrate the signal coming from, at least, a trillion (1012) atoms. “Being able to probe an individual magnetic atom, is very exciting”, says Joaquín Fernández-Rossier (INL), a theoretical physicist involved in the work. “This finding provides a deeper understanding of one of the main challenges that we are facing to build quantum computers, namely, to extend the lifetime of quantum coherence”. These findings were reported in the prestigious Journal Science Advances, edited by the American Association for the Advancement of Science on February 16, 2018. According to Joaquín […]

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PhD Fellowship Opportunities

PhD Fellowship Opportunities

Collaborative Research Project INL is proud to be part of the AIM PhD Program, in which we partner with INESC-MN, INESC-ID, ITQB Nova, Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, and Research Institute for Medicines and Pharmaceutical Sciences to provide interdisciplinary advanced training. The doctoral degrees are awarded by the Universidade de Lisboa and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, dependent on the collaboration partner. The research will take place in the laboratories of the team institutions in Lisbon and at INL, Braga, with stays in Portuguese and International Associate Partner Laboratories in Academia and Industry. The collaborative research project proposals with a research stay at the INL Laboratories are the following: Project 2: Advanced Microfabrication and NMR Electronic Instrumentation Development Project 8: Sample Processing device to integrate a Magnetoresistive Platform for the Stroke Patients stratification Project 11: Septicemia detection using graphene transistors integrated in a microfluidic platform Project 12: Thin-film silicon nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) for sensing Project 15: Biosensor integrated cell culture systems for monitoring biological responses Project 16: Integrated optical spectroscopy device for fruit growth monitoring Project 18: Development of a point-of-care device for fast detection of pathogens involved in hospital-acquired infection Project 19: Advanced microsystems to study intracellular pattern formation […]

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Drug Discovery and Delivery Network for Oncology and Eye Therapeutics (3DNeoNet Seminar)

Drug Discovery and Delivery Network for Oncology and Eye Therapeutics (3DNeoNet Seminar)

Friday 9th February, at the INL Auditorium This seminar is an event organized in the framework of the Annual Meeting of the project 3DNeoNet, led by the University College of Dublin (UCD), and in which INL is part of the Consortium. The overall goal of 3DNeoNet is the improvement of available treatments for cancer and ocular disease by enhancing drug discovery-development and delivery to targeted tissues, through advanced international co-operation between academic and non-academic partners. The interdisciplinary expertise provided by 18 partners in 7 countries encompasses among others: drug screens, ADME, toxicology, preclinical models, nanotechnology, biomaterials and clinical trials. There will be three internationally recognized speakers with outstanding contributions in the fields of drug delivery, cancer therapy, and polymer chemistry: Prof. María José Alonso (University of Santiago de Compostela, USC), Prof. Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy (University of Reading, UoR), and Bruno Sarmento (Institute for Investigation and Innovation in Health (i3S)/INEB). After their talks, there will be a Round Table, entitled: Challenges of the start-ups in the health/ pharma industry. From the idea to the market, chaired by Breandan Kennedy (UCD), Head of the 3DNeoNet Industry-Academia consortium, and Beatriz de la Parra, founder of the company ECM Ingeniería Ambiental S.L.(Spain). View Program Advanced […]

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Project NMP-REG Mid-Term Workshop held in Belgium

Project NMP-REG Mid-Term Workshop held in Belgium

The NMP-REG, a project funded under the Interreg Europe program, held a Mid-Term International Workshop last month in Leuven (Belgium), in collaboration with the ERRIN Network and with the participation of Watify (Boosting Technological Transformation). Based on the Regional Smart Specialisation (RIS3) Mid Term Reviews, the event focused on the debate of technology transfer of nano and new materials to industry, while bringing into conversation regional authorities and various stakeholders in the field of new and advanced materials. The workshop comprehended two different moments: a plenary session discussing European initiatives related to regional smart specialisation strategies; a session entitled “Consolidating NMP in regional Smart Specialisation” divided into two interactive working sessions. INL is one of the six members of the NMP-REG project that groups partners from 5 regions. The consortium aims to ensure that innovation actors cooperate to deliver research results to the manufacturing sector, with subsequent benefits for regional growth. The overall objective is, therefore, to improve regional policies for the delivery of innovation in NMP to manufacturing, focusing on policy actions that can support innovation delivery, using a coordinated effort from key players. NMP-REG works towards a medium/long term impact of creating a regional system that can support […]

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