Towards INL Academy: Joint Workshop with IBM

Towards INL Academy: Joint Workshop with IBM

INL would like to express a big thank you to everyone that so enthusiastically contributed to the joint workshop themed Towards The INL Academy. It was a real pleasure to have all your support and great inputs on the ideation of strategies for this interdisciplinary and transversal education and training program. We would also like to say how much we appreciated the presence of Margarida Casal (University of Minho), Diem Ho (IBM), João Claro (INESC TEC/ U.Porto / PBS) and Lars Montelius (DG INL). The workshop wouldn’t have been the same without your shared knowledge and expertise. Now, we are looking forward to giving shape to this pool of opportunities for INL, INL member states, academia, industry, research& technology organisations, and many, many more! For this end, we invite all interested parties to further contribute by sharing your knowledge and ideas through here.   About the INL Academy The goal of the INL Academy is to integrate knowledge and skills from the nanotechnology and business disciplines within a robust theoretical and practical framework so to prepare the next generation of both: scientists and engineers, as well as managers and entrepreneurs, that will jointly drive innovation in this prospering and vast […]

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KET4CleanProduction Kick-Off Meeting

KET4CleanProduction Kick-Off Meeting

KET4CleanProduction is a three-year project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project kicked-off January 22-23 in Stuttgart, Germany, under the coordination of Steinbeis 2i GmbH in partnership with 12 premier KET Technology Centers and 7 partners of the Enterprise Europe Network from 18 different European countries. INL is part of one of this networks of premier KET Technology Centers aiming at promoting the access of manufacturing SMEs to advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KET) towards a resource and energy efficiency. The KET4CleanProduction consortium has already started working on the creation of an open innovation ecosystem with a one-stop-shop for access to innovative services for SME through a network of superior KET Technology Centres providing access to clean production technologies.

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Nanomedicine: Disruptive Innovations to Beat Cancer

Nanomedicine: Disruptive Innovations to Beat Cancer

INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory will host the Portuguese edition of the Nano World Cancer Day 2018, a worldwide event happening simultaneously in 10 countries across Europe and beyond. Initiated in 2013, the Nano World Cancer Day is an event organized in the framework of the World Cancer Day. It aims to amplify awareness about Nanomedicine and its ability to introduce new opportunities and game-changers in the fight against cancer. Organized by the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN-European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine) together with the European Project ENATRANS (Enabling Nanomedicine TRANSlation), the initiative promotes events dedicated to the general public, the press, students, scientists and medical doctors. In each country, local experts in Nanomedicine (researchers, entrepreneurs, oncologists, clinicians, public authorities, patients…) deliver short speeches about the latest concrete and disruptive innovations in Nanomedicine applied to cancer and answer all questions the audience may have. It is the 5th year that INL organizes this event and this years’ edition – Nano World Cancer Day 2018 – will offer a chance to discover the revolutions provided by Nanomedicine in cancer management and care under the framework: Disruptive Innovations to beat cancer. Registration is free of charge but limited to the […]

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Open Application for CÓDIGOMAIS Innovation Prize

Open Application for CÓDIGOMAIS Innovation Prize

INL, in the framework of the project CÓDIGOMÁIS, is looking for an innovative project in the field of Health and Ageing to support, accelerate and launch it to the market. The application period for the CÓDIGOMÁIS Innovation Prize runs from 19th December 2017 until 25th January 2018 and any person or entity in the POCTEP region (North of Portugal and Galicia) can submit ideas and projects in the area of health and ageing through the CÓDIGOMÁIS website. The best project will be selected by the jury formed by representatives of the project’s beneficiaries, representatives of the responsible entities for health management in the POCTEP region, and renowned experts in the areas of health and ageing. The team selected will benefit from a prize of fifty thousand euros (€50,000.00) in-kind contribution to be used in services related with the implementation of the Project, consisting of Mentoring support, marketplace (website and catalogue/brochure), financial support and consultancy. For more information please visit CÓDIGOMÁIS website.

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INL awarded by CCDR-N in Science, Innovations and Technology

INL awarded by CCDR-N in Science, Innovations and Technology

The CCDR-N distinguished the INL with an award – Regional Emblem – in the area of Science, Innovation and Technology, in the “O Norte Somos Nós” ceremony. These Regional Emblems are projects highlighted by the CCDR-N, having been distinguished by the awarding of prizes or by investments in other European regions. The “O Norte Somos Nós” initiative was launched by CCDR-N – the authority of the operational program ‘ON.2 – “O Novo Norte”, which ended on March 31. The awards were based on more than six thousand projects of regional merit, with 21 finalists identified, three for each of the seven categories defined: Competitiveness, Innovation, Research, Inclusion, Qualification, Sustainability and Heritage.

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