PITCCH Network announces the 2nd Call for Corporate Challenges and invites Technology centres to facilitate the upcoming collaboration projects
June 16, 2021
Relevant size corporations are now invited and welcome to submit their Corporate Challenges on the PITCCH Open Innovation Platform, so that they may be addressed by technologic startups or SME’s.
A Corporate Challenge is a technological request from Big Corporations to develop or improve a new product, process, or service. The Challenge proposal shall be relevant to one or more of the European priority areas and global challenges and be based on advanced technologies. Furthermore, the Project is looking for Challenges that require novel solutions not available on the market yet, hence involve some research activities, and that are not part of a Big Corporation’s existing R&D program with other partners.
The PITCCH Network will facilitate the process of finding the best solution providers from across Europe and enable Big Corporations to choose the finalists at the Pitch Day when selected SMEs and start-ups will have the opportunity to pitch their solutions in front of the Big Corporations. Qualified Technology Centers will contribute to these open innovation projects by offering their brokerage services.
We welcome new Technology Centers to join the PITCCH Network.
Technology Centers are invited to participate in the challenge facilitation process. They offer their services to SMEs to support future collaboration projects.
By joining the PITCCH Network they will be able to:
Broaden the professional network.
Scale-out the business community benefiting from Pan-European Open Innovation Network -
Follow a challenge.
Follow all the updates and track the status of the challenge of their preference.
Offer services and receive financial support.
Offer the brokerage services to SMEs that respond to the selected challenge and receive 10K for support to the SME in the implementation of the innovation project.
Showcase the value
Get engaged in new product development and impact the societal challenges.
To register in the PITCCH Platform, Technology Centers shall comply with the following PITCCH criteria: they should actively provide services to industry and SMEs, be active in at least one of the advanced technologies for industry, have activities in TRL levels ranging from 5 to 8 and have prior experience in providing brokerage services.
The deadline for the submission of the Challenge is on the 31 st of July 2021.
The selected Challenges will be published and launched on the PITCCH Platform within the 2nd week of September 2021 when SMEs and start-ups will have access to it and propose their solutions.
The PITCCH project aims to increase the competitiveness of European industries by building a Pan-European Open Innovation Network where technology centres act as intermediaries to facilitate the establishment of structured collaborations between big corporations as technology seekers with small and medium-sized enterprises as technology providers and this way accelerate the market uptake of advanced technologies through different sectors.