PITCCH Project final event
March 9, 2023
PITCCH project final event took place on March 7th, 2023, in Stuttgart, Germany. The purpose of this final event was to present the project results, share good practices from PITCCH collaborations and provide a stage for companies to debate about open innovation strategies and a panel for funding agencies to discuss support programs.
After the opening session with EISMEA Project Officer, DG GROW Policy Officer and PITCCH Project Coordinator, welcomed the keynote speaker, John Fahlteich, CEO at KETMarket Open Innovation Ecosystem.
All interventions and contributions helped us better understand the potential of open innovation and how to overcome the hurdles of collaborative projects successfully. PITCCH seeked to accelerate the market uptake of advanced technologies through different sectors and all PITCCH partners are part of an established network ecosystem of multiple stakeholders, from companies to Technology Centres, from private investors to public authorities, and are involved in many international projects, including EU-funded collaborations.