INL researchers win NANO.IL.2018 “Best Poster Award”
October 26, 2018
A team of INL researchers from different groups was awarded the “Best Poster Award” during NANO.IL.2018, the leading international nanotechnology conference in Israel, which gathered over 900 participants from the 9th to the 11th of October, in Jerusalem.
The award was handed over to Pedro Alpuim, from INL and University of Minho (Department of Physics), the leader of the research team and group leader of 2D Materials and Devices at INL, representing also Joana Rafaela Guerreiro, Rui Campos (now at the University of Antwerp), Marco Martins, Andrey Ipatov, Fátima Cerqueira and Jérôme Borme.
The awarded poster with the title “Lab-on-a-chip platform based on graphene field-effect transistors for DNA sensing” was developed within INL Departments of Quantum & Energy Materials, Nanoelectronics Engineering, Micro and Nanofabrication, and Life Sciences.
Lab-on-a-chip systems for the detection of complex diseases are growing in importance, normally requiring the detection of multiple targets in an autonomous and portable fashion. For the creative use of sensors, combining different areas of expertise, INL is in the forefront of new diagnostic tools development, which aims to provide quicker and more accurate information to support a medical decision on the best therapeutics.